11 Upgrading Indexing and Search Service

This chapter explains how to upgrade your existing system to the latest release of Oracle Communications Indexing and Search Service.

About Upgrading Indexing and Search Service

Upgrade your Indexing and Search Service back-end hosts first then upgrade your front-end hosts.

Upgrading to 1.0.5

Upgrading to Indexing and Search Service involves the following steps:

  • Running the commpkg upgrade command

  • Running the postpatch_restart command

  • (Optional) Rebootstrapping accounts

Upgrading Indexing and Search Service (1.0.4 to 1.0.5)

To upgrade to 1.0.5, run the commpkg upgrade command on each host in your deployment. For more information, see "upgrade Verb Syntax".

When upgrading in silent mode, see also "Upgrading Shared Components in Silent Installation".

Running postpatch_restart

After upgrading to the new Indexing and Search Service version, run the postpatch_restart command. Because the postpatch process might be interactive, you must manually run postpatch_restart.

To run postpatch_restart:

cd IndexSearch_home/bin
postpatch_restart IndexSearch_home

For more information, see "postpatch_restart Script".

Upgrading Java

If you also upgraded from Java 6 to 7, you must rebootstrap accounts. Java 7 is recommended. If you generate Indexing and Search Service indexes while on Java 6, once you upgrade to Java 7, you should regenerate the indexes. For more information, see the topics on rebootstrapping accounts and migrating from Java 6 to Java 7 in Indexing and Search Service System Administrator's Guide.

Rebootstrapping Accounts After Upgrading

When upgrading from a version prior to Indexing and Search Service 1 Update 3, after the upgrade, you should rebootstrap all user accounts. This step is not necessary when upgrading from Indexing and Search Service 1 Update 3 or greater.

Here is one possible way to rebootstrap your accounts:

  1. Use the Messaging Server imquotacheck command to get a list of all accounts on the system.

    cd /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/binimquotacheck -a > quotafile
  2. Delete all information in the redirected quotafile except the user IDs. Ensure that there is a single user ID on each line of the file.

  3. Get a sense of the size of the users by running the following commands.

    • How many users?

      wc quotafile
    • Largest users by size, distribution of account sizes?

      imquotacheck | sort -k 3,3rn | less
    • Total mailbox size in Kbytes?

      mboxutil -l | awk '{ sum += $2} END {print sum}'

    You might want to save a copy of the imquotacheck and mboxutil -l output to Indexing and Search Service for later reference.

  4. On Indexing and Search Service, remove the existing index:

  5. Create the account list of users:

    IndexSearch_home/examples/createuserlist < quotafile
  6. Re-initialize the index:

  7. Bootstrap all users in the quotafile in parallel:


    By default, the parallelbootstrap command bootstraps 16 users in parallel. Edit the file to change this setting.