
Creates and manages the Clone LUNs on an Oracle FS System.


clone_lun { [ add | commit | copy | delete | list | modify | prepare | resnap | restore] | [usage | help ] }


A Clone LUN is a readable and writable point-in-time snapshot of a LUN or another Clone LUN that does not require the system overhead of a full block-level copy. Clone LUNs can be used for the following purposes:
  • To test a new application without impacting the original LUN
  • To assign different Quality of Service (QoS) properties to the clone to maximize system resources for a specific task

  • To preserve a point-in-time view of the data that can be restored to the source LUN at a later time

When a Clone LUN is created, the data contained in the Clone LUN is a snapshot of the data in its source LUN. Write operations to the Clone LUN are not reflected in the data of the source LUN. In addition, any changes to data in a source LUN are not reflected in its clones. However, the size of a clone is increased by write operations to its source LUN.
Note: A write operation to either a source LUN or its clones increases the size of its clones.

You can use the clone_lun ‑add command to create a Clone LUN that is an exact snapshot of its source LUN, and you can use the clone_lun ‑copy command to replicate an existing Clone LUN. The ‑add or ‑copy subcommands enable you to change the Clone LUN properties.

Alternatively, you can use the clone_lun ‑prepare command to set up a Clone LUN profile, which you can activate later by running the clone_lun ‑commit command. After creating a Clone LUN, you can use the clone_lun ‑modify command to change the properties, the host mappings, and the QoS properties. You can run the clone_lun ‑restore command to return a source LUN to a state that was previously captured through a Clone LUN.

By default, a Clone LUN retains the same QoS properties as the source LUN and consumes space that is allocated for the clone repository. If necessary, you can adjust the amount of space that is available for clones of a LUN by using the lun ‑modify command and specifying the ‑capacity option, the ‑repositoryPercentage option, or both.


Creates a clone of an existing LUN on the Oracle FS System.
Creates one or more Clone LUNs that were profiled using the clone_lun ‑prepare command.
Creates a LUN by copying the contents and the settings of an existing Clone LUN.
Removes a particular Clone LUN from the Oracle FS System.
Displays the status and the configuration information for Clone LUNs.
Changes the properties of an existing Clone LUN on the Oracle FS System.
Enables you to set up a Clone LUN without completing its creation.
Resets an existing Clone LUN to the current state of the source LUN.
Resets a particular LUN to a state that you previously captured through a Clone LUN.



Displays command usage and additional help about the command.


Returns a summary of the subcommands that are available for this command.



Create a Clone LUN.

  • The name of the Clone LUN: CLONE_DISK1

  • The fully qualified name (FQN) of the source LUN: /⁠user1_vg/⁠DISK1

$ fscli clone_lun ‑add ‑name CLONE_DISK1 ‑source /⁠user1_vg⁠/DISK1