Create an Additional Administrator 1 Account

The Administrator 1 account has full privileges to perform all administrative, configuration, and recovery tasks for the Oracle FS System. Create an additional Administrator 1 account for your system to ensure that you have an additional account that can be used for password recovery.

  1. From Oracle FS System Manager (GUI), navigate to System > Global Settings > Administrator Accounts.
  2. Select Actions > Create.
  3. Enter the name of the account in the Login Name field.
  4. From the Role list, select Administrator 1.
  5. Enter the remaining information about the account owner.
    Additional information:
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • Full Name
    • Email Address (highly recommended)
    • Phone Number
    Important! Setting the email address is crucial should a password expire. If you do not enter an email address for an administrator account, administrators cannot reset their own passwords using the Reset password feature. Furthermore, if the password for the Primary Administrator account or for the Oracle Support account is changed from the factory setting, the changed password has been forgotten, and the email address is not configured, you will need to contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
  6. (Optional) To disable the account, select the Disable Account option.
    Use the Disable Account option when you want to create accounts that you want to enable later.
  7. Click OK.