FixItFast Table of Contents

      Part 1: The FixItFast Scenario

      Part 2: Create and connect to a Mobile Cloud Service mobile backend

      Part 3: Define users and roles as a way to limit API access

      Part 5: Storing images in collections

      Part 7: Intro to Analytics

      Part 8: Build bridges to external services with connectors

      Part 9: Implement custom APIs

      Part 10: Define, implement, and connect to resources using APIs


      This tutorial was developed against the following product versions, although the steps documented may also be valid for later minor releases:

       - Oracle Mobile Cloud - 16.3.3. These tutorial instructions will also work with MCS 16.4.1, however some screen shots are subtly different.

       - Oracle Mobile Application Framework - 2.3

       - Oracle JDeveloper 12c (Studio Edition) - 12.2.1

       - MCS/MAF Utility -

       - Chrome Postman - 4.3.5

      This is v4.1 of this tutorial.

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