Employee Control Report

The Employee Control report shows all discounts, voids, and errors by the employee, as described in the following table:
Column Shows Drill Down Report


A list of employees.

All Checks


The location at which the employee works.


Net Sales

The net sales for the employee at the location.


Error Corrects

The total monetary value of error corrects for the employee.

All Checks

% Sales

The percentage of all monetary corrects attributed to the employee.



The total monetary value of voids by the employee.

All Checks

% Sales

The percentage of all voids attributed to the employee.


Mgr Voids

The total monetary value of manager voids for the employee.

All Checks

% Sales

The percentage of all manager voids attributed to the employee.



The total monetary value discounted by the employee.

All Checks

% Sales

The percentage of all discounts attributed to the employee.