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What's New in the Oracle® Developer Studio 12.6 Release

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Updated: July 2017

New and Changed IDE Features

The following features are added or changed in Oracle Developer Studio IDE:

UI for Run/Debug Launchers

The Run/Debug command configurations can be managed using the new UI. To open the configuration window, click Manage Launchers from a project's context menu.

Figure 2  UI for Run/Debug Launchers

image:UI for Run/Debug Launchers

Prepending or Appending a Toolchain Path

A New option under Project Properties allows you to specify if the toolchain directory should be appended to the PATH variable.

Figure 3  Modify Tool Collection Path option

image:Modify Tool Collection Path option

By default, the $TOOLS_PATH will be prepended. However, you can modify it in the Options window.

Figure 4  Modifying the Tools Collection Path

image:Modify the tools path

Adding Environment Variables

You can use environment variables when you create a project with existing sources or from binary.

Figure 5  Add Environment Variables

image:Adding Environment Variables

Build Analyzer

IDE creates tool collection wrapper on Windows and Mac. This wrapper is used to build the Project and as a result, all the compile command lines are stored and used for configuring code assistance.

Figure 6  Build Analyzer

image:Build Analyzer

Figure 7  Configuring Code Assistance

image:Configuring Code Assistance

Clean C/C++ Cache

A new option, Clean C/C++ cache and restart IDE is added under Code Assistance. You can use this option to clean the cache directories and restart the IDE.

Distinguish Read/Write Access

The variables can be marked based on the access provided to them. The variables with read access, write access, or read/write access appear differently.

Figure 8  Distinguish Read/Write Access

image:Distinguish Read/Write Access

Terminal Feature Extensions

The following terminal feature extensions are added.

  • Open Files in Editor from terminal - Choose WindowIDE ToolsTerminal and navigate to the Project folder. You can type the following commands to open the specified files in the Editor.

    • To open a single file, type:

      ideopen module.cc
    • To open multiple files, type:

      ideopen module.cc module.h
    • To open multiple files with wildcards (supported by your current shell), type:

      ideopen module.*

Figure 9  Open Files in the Editor

image:Open Files in the Editor

  • Support for Keyboard Shortcuts - This feature enables the user to use the keyboard to open a new tab and to switch between the opened tabs. Use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T to open a new tab and Alt+1, Alt+2 ... to switch between the tabs.

  • Accessing Hyperlinks from the Terminal - If a program's output prints a link to a file in the Terminal, and if the user clicks on this link in Terminal, the IDE will open this file in the Editor. You can print a hyperlink in the terminal with an escape sequence. For example:

    fprintf(stdout, "(\033]10;%s;%s\007)]\n", "/home/ilia/NetBeansProjects/CppApplication_48/main.cpp:20", "main.cpp:20")
  • Search in Terminal - Search feature is now implemented in the terminal. To search, use Ctrl+Shift+F or [Right click] and choose Find in Terminal. You can also navigate between the found occurrences. Use Shift + F3 to navigate to the previous occurrence and (F3, Enter) to navigate to the next occurrence.

Figure 10  Search in Terminal

image:Search in Terminal

Pinnable Watches

Watches can now be pinned into the editor area, When you hover your mouse over a variable or a selection, a tooltip with its value is shown.

The tooltip now contains a pin icon, which when clicked, creates a watch, pinned into the editor.

Figure 11  Pin Icon in the Tooltip

image:Pin Icon in the Tooltip

The pin watch window is displayed instead of the tooltip. The location of this window can be adjusted by dragging with a mouse.

Figure 12  Pin Watch Window

image:Pin Watch window

The pin watch window contains two icons on the right: comment icon and close icon. Clicking on the comment icon shows a text field where you can add comments about the watch.

Figure 13  Comment and Close Icons

image:Comment and Close Icons

When the pin watch displays structured values, it shows an expansion icon on the left. When expanded, a view with its children is shown:

Figure 14  Expansion Icon

image:Expansion Icon

Variables/Watches window does not show the pinned watches by default. However, it is possible to view the pinned watches by using Show Pinned Watches context action.

Figure 15  Show Pinned Watches Option

image:Show Pinned Watches Option