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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

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Updated: July 2017



di_prop_bytes, di_prop_devt, di_prop_ints, di_prop_name, di_prop_strings, di_prop_type, di_prop_int64 - access property values and attributes


cc [ flag... ] file... –ldevinfo [ library... ]
#include <libdevinfo.h>

int di_prop_bytes(di_prop_t prop, uchar_t **prop_data);
dev_t di_prop_devt(di_prop_t prop);
int di_prop_ints(di_prop_t prop, int **prop_data);
int di_prop_int64(di_prop_t prop, int64_t **prop_data);
char *di_prop_name(di_prop_t prop);
int di_prop_strings(di_prop_t prop, char **prop_data);
int di_prop_type(di_prop_t prop);



Handle to a property returned by di_prop_next(3DEVINFO).


For di_prop_bytes(), the address of a pointer to an unsigned character.

For di_prop_ints(), the address of a pointer to an integer.

For di_prop_int64(), the address of a pointer to a 64–bit integer.

For di_prop_strings(), the address of pointer to a character.


These functions access information associated with property values and attributes. All memory allocated by these functions is managed by the library and must not be freed by the caller.

The di_prop_bytes() function returns the property data as a series of unsigned characters.

The di_prop_devt() function returns the dev_t with which this property is associated. If the value is DDI_DEV_T_NONE, the property is not associated with any specific minor node.

The di_prop_ints() function returns the property data as a series of integers.

The di_prop_int64() function returns the property data as a series of 64–bit integers.

The di_prop_name() function returns the name of the property.

The di_prop_strings() function returns the property data as a concatenation of null-terminated strings.

The di_prop_type() function returns the type of the property. The type determines the appropriate interface to access property values. The following is a list of possible types:


There is no interface to call since there is no property data associated with boolean properties. The existence of the property defines a TRUE value.


Use di_prop_ints() to access property data.


Use di_prop_int64() to access property data.


Use di_prop_strings() to access property data.


Use di_prop_bytes() to access property data.


Use di_prop_bytes() to access property data. Since the type of property is unknown, the caller is responsible for interpreting the contents of the data.


The property has been undefined by the driver. No property data is available.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, di_prop_bytes(), di_prop_ints(), di_prop_int64(), and di_prop_strings() return a non-negative value, indicating the number of entries in the property value buffer. See di_prom_prop_lookup_bytes(3DEVINFO) for a description of the return values. Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

The di_prop_devt() function returns the dev_t value associated with the property.

The di_prop_name() function returns a pointer to a string containing the name of the property.

The di_prop_type() function can return one of types described in the DESCRIPTION section.


These functions will fail if:


Invalid argument. For example, the property type does not match the interface.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also

di_prom_prop_lookup_bytes(3DEVINFO), di_prop_next(3DEVINFO), libdevinfo(3LIB), attributes(5)

Writing Device Drivers for Oracle Solaris 11.3