Oracle® DIVAdirector

Release Notes

Release 5.4.1


February 2018

This document provides release information for Oracle DIVAdirector Release 5.4 and 5.4.1. Read this documentation before installing and using DIVAdirector. The following information is included in this document:

Installing, Configuring, or Updating DIVAdirector

Contact Oracle Support for assistance installing, updating, or configuring DIVAdirector. The Oracle Support Contacts Global Directory can be found at:

Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for administrator configurable parameters, and the Oracle DIVAdirector User's Guide for user configurable parameters.

System Requirements

DIVAdirector Release 5.4 requires the DIVArchive system to be release 7.4 or later. Before installing or upgrading DIVAdirector, refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide and confirm that your system meets all requirements.


Oracle recommends keeping the operating system and browser up to date with the latest security patches. However, Oracle cannot guarantee that all patches will operate correctly with DIVAdirector because the operating system and browser security patches are independent of the DIVAdirector application.

You should determine the acceptable operating system and browser security patch level for your environment. Contact Oracle Support for assistance in determining patch level compatibility.

DIVAdirector 5.4 Retired Features and Components

The following features and components are retired starting with this DIVAdirector release:

Flat File Export

The option to export database tables as flat files through the DIVAdirector interface has been removed due to security concerns. Oracle is currently reexamining use cases for this functionality to determine whether to re-implement it in a different form.

Oracle SAMMAsolo Integration

Oracle SAMMAsolo integration is not implemented in the initial DIVAdirector 5.4 release. Oracle is currently reviewing the need for this integration.

Oracle DIVAdirector Server

Oracle DIVAdirector Server has been removed from the installation package. The DIVAdirector Server functionality was moved the TaskManager and API services.

DIVAdirector 5.4 New and Enhanced Features and Functionality

DIVAdirector 5.4 includes the new and enhanced features and functionality described in the following sections.

Integration with Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect

DIVAdirector fully integrates with Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect for all DIVArchive operations. See the Oracle DIVA Enterprise Connect documentation library at for more information on DIVA Enterprise Connect.

Centralized Web Based System Configuration

Due to the retirement of the DIVAdirector Server component, all related configuration menus have been moved to the Web Interface. You will find configuration details in the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide, and a highlight of the changes are describes in the following sections.

Automated Proxy Generation

DIVAdirector now has a more flexible proxy creation process that you administer through the Web Interface. Generation is implemented as a scheduled task, so you can restrict resource intensive operations to only run on certain days, and within defined periods. This task integrates with the Transcode Service, making more flexible proxy creation processes possible.

Multiple Proxies Per Object

DIVAdirector 5.4 introduces the ability to have multiple proxies per object. Proxies are now associated with files within objects, rather than the objects themselves. You can now have multiple proxies associated with a single file, enabling features such as high resolution and low resolution versions, or segmented proxies for extremely long clips. You can now associate different proxies with separate files contained in a single multifile or complex object. Each object can have a maximum 100 proxies even if the number of media files in the object is greater than 100.

New Database Architecture

DIVAdirector 5.4 has undergone a second round of schema changes to increase the performance of the database. Proxy Frames, edl Keyframes, and images have been moved to proxy storage on disk, drastically reducing the overall size of the database. This change allows for more memory caching of database tables due to the smaller size. Oracle recommends setting up database pre-caching for installations that have adequate RAM to capitalize on this change.

Organization SMTP Support

SMTP configuration has been added under the Admin, Users, Organization page. This change allows organizations to send automated emails, and password recovery links, to their members. If your organization uses LDAP for authentication, then there is no need to configure SMTP because password recovery is handled through domain administration.

Password Rules and Hashing

DIVAdirector password rules have changed to meet industry standards for security. DIVAdirector now also implements a progressive hashing strategy that increases in complexity over time. All DIVAdirector passwords now expire every 90 days, and have the following complexity requirements:

  • Passwords must be between 8 and 128 characters in length.

  • Passwords must contain a letter, number, and a symbol.

  • Passwords may not contain white space characters.

Users are automatically prompted to change their passwords to conform with these rules after upgrading from an earlier release or installation.

Enhanced Search Results

Search results in DIVAdirector have been modified to account for the addition of file specific searches, and the association of proxies with files instead of objects. When executing a file inclusive search, file results on objects appear as an arrow next to the object row. Clicking the arrow reveals the file matches in the related search criteria, and any proxies that are associated with those files. You can also now hide metadata columns that you do not want to see in your search results on a per user basis. The Queries page has been refactored to be more responsive, resulting in faster searches.

Advanced Search Panel Redesign

The Advanced Search panel has been relocated to the Basic Search text area and redesigned. The following is a short list of changes:

  • Dates and times now have selectable pop ups.

  • Operators have been added for ease of searching for date and time ranges.

  • Advanced search criteria is no longer limited to five lines.

  • You can selectively sort all searches; this is no longer a global setting.

  • Added the Files drop-down to enable the file based search results. Options include:

    • Do Not Include — removes the expandable option for files in search results for faster searching.

    • Include For Search — makes a secondary search against each objects file list to highlight file matches in search results using the main search string as the query parameter.

    • Include All — adds an expandable tab on search results to give a full list of files within each matched object.

  • Matching criteria has been expanded.

  • Advanced search criteria has been converted to a human readable format. Tooltips for queries now use the human readable format to simplify usability.

File Searching Within Objects, and New Drag and Drop Interface

A search bar has been added to the Files tab of the Edit Metadata page to assist in locating files for complex objects. A drag and drop interface has also been added to the Files tab to better facilitate file based Oracle DIVArchive Partial File Restores.

Edit Metadata Page Redesign

The Edit Metadata page has been refactored to accommodate multiple proxies per object, and a more streamlined approach to how it is viewed on each parent page. A summary of the changes are as follows:

  • The structure of the Metadata tab has been reworked to include three collapsible panels as follows:

    Archive Information

    This panel contains all of the archive related information retrieved through synchronization.


    This panel contains all of the proxy metadata, and a drop-down to switch between proxies.

    Object Metadata

    This panel contains all of the custom metadata associated with the object, and any binary attachments. The Export and Save buttons have been relocated to the panel header for ease of use.

  • Dates and time selection has been modified to use a Date/Time Picking Tool that automatically collapses after use; saving UI space.

  • In the full page Edit Metadata, the Object Metadata panel is automatically expanded.

  • When viewing the Edit Metadata page from the Player page, the Archive Information and Proxy panels are automatically expanded.

  • When viewing the Edit Metadata page from the Shotlist page, only the Proxy panel is visible, and the Files tab is hidden.

Local Proxy Functionality Relocated

The dedicated Local Proxy page has been removed. The functionality has been relocated to the Upload Proxy context menu option for files, and is tied to Proxy Drop Folders that have implemented transcoder workflows.

Archive Page Redesign

The Source Archive and Local Archive pages have been merged into a single refactored Archive page. The new Archive page includes a fully implemented file viewer that can manipulate, and add files, on any Local, FTP or CIFS Source/Destination. A new drag and drop interface for adding files to an archive has also been implemented. Uploading files through the file viewer is limited to 4GB per file (~2GB using the web interface). Oracle recommends that you perform large, or complicated, uploads through the dedicated Oracle Client Uploader.

DIVArchive Drop Folders

DIVArchive Drop Folder configuration has been moved into the Web Interface with the removal of DIVAdirector Server. You can configure a larger set of Actions for use through these Drop Folders, including support for timecode based Partial File Restores, and file based Partial File Restores.

Improved Proxy Drop Folders

Proxy Drop Folders can take advantage of more flexible proxy creation processes through integration with the Transcode Service. You can configure different workflows and parameters for transcoding, thumbnail extraction, and so on, on a per folder basis.

Web Interface for DIVArchive Synchronization

DIVArchive Synchronization is now viewable through the Web Interface, and uses the Oracle Task Manager for execution. Synchronization now fully supports complex object file lists, and performs considerably faster than previous versions. Each synchronization task now has a downloadable report. This change was released earlier in DIVAdirector 5.3.1.

Proxy Storage Restructuring

Due to the accommodation of multiple proxies per object, the structure of proxy storage has changed. Many of the current DIVAdirector Virtual Directories have been condensed into the Proxy Storage Virtual Directory. The general structure is as follows:

  • Binary Metadata Path

    {path to storage location}\{object base id}>\BinaryFiles\
  • Asset Images Path

    {path to storage location}\{object base id}\AssetImages\
  • Proxy Path

    {path to storage location}\{object base id}\{proxy id}\
  • Proxy Frames Path (including edl Keyframes)

    {path to storage location}\{object base id}\{proxy id}\KeyFrames\

Updated Cross-Platform Compatible Client Uploader

The file upload tool user interface used in the local archive process has been updated. Source files will now display the directory structure in an editable tree view so files and folders can be renamed before upload. The Options menu now has additional configurable options to control the upload process.

Automated Proxy Format Upgrading

Some deprecated proxy formats are still supported. However, they can only be played in certain browsers, and only if certain browser plugins are installed. For example, WMV proxies can only play in Internet Explorer with the Silverlight plug-in installed.

An automated process is provided to make upgrading these legacy proxy formats to a more modern, cross-platform format easier. You can schedule this task to only run within a configurable period since it is a potentially resource intensive, and time consuming process. The migration process integrates with the Transcode Service. Therefore, you can also use the same configurable workflows defined in other areas of the application for this process.

Alternate Host Names

Alternate host names can now be configured through the installer user interface during the installation process.

DIVAdirector 5.4.1 Features and Functionality

DIVAdirector 5.4.1 includes the following features and functionality:

Multiple Transcoder Support

5.4.1 can now distribute and load balance transcoding jobs between multiple transcoders. Refer to the DIVAdirector 5.4.1 Administrator Guide for more information on configuring this feature.

Transcoding Using Custom Scripts for Command Line Transcoders

5.4.1 now supports the use of custom scripting for transcoding functions. Using this option will allow the administrator to interface with many command line transcoders, such as FFMpeg. Refer to the DIVAdirector 5.4.1 Administrator Guide for more information on configuring this feature.

Exportable Query Results

You can now download query results in CSV format including all custom metadata visible to the downloading user by clicking the export button on the query results page.

Organizational Restriction of DIVArchive Resource

5.4.1 can now restrict DIVArchive resources on the Organizational level to further silo group resources. To facilitate this, 5.4.1 has a new 'DIVArchive Settings' tab in the Organizations page where you can select which Source/Destinations, Storage Plans, and Media are available to each organization.

Full Restore Option Added to Automated Proxy Generation

There is a new 'Enable Full Restore' checkbox under the Category Filters configuration which allows multi-file objects to have their full contents restored before transcoding.

Trace Level Logging

There is an additional logging level to separate some of the overly verbose debug messages.

Operation Status Page Update

The Operation Status page now accommodates transcoding status as well as error messages from either DIVArchive or the Transcode Service.

Manual Proxy Generation Page Update

The Manual Proxy Generation page was redesigned for simplicity. Proxy-able files are now automatically added to the file list when the page loads. There is a new dropdown to select the appropriate transcode workflow and a new checkbox to enable full restores in the case of multi-file objects. The DIVArchive request settings use the same values from the Automated Proxy Generation page and are no longer displayed.

Annotation Functionality Merged With Shotlists

The annotation feature was merged with EDL segment. Both are now associated with object files rather than the object itself. Each segment is shared between users and can be associated with new Shotlists on an ad hoc basis or partially restored directly from the Edit Metadata page.

DIVAdirector Annotation Import Service Removal

The drop folders managed by the DIVAdirector Annotation Import Service were migrated into the DIVAdirector Task Manager Service. The new drop folder for EDL segments can be configured in the Drop Folder Configuration page. Refer to the DIVAdirector 5.4.1 Administrator Guide for more information on configuring this feature.

Legacy Proxy Drop Folder Configuration

You can configure Proxy Drop Folders as in previous versions of DIVAdirector by using a naming convention. This configuration is only valid in the case that there is one file listed in the objects file list. In addition, you can use the PDF with manifest file introduced in 5.4.

External IP Address Support

Support for external IP addresses may now be setup in the Admin>System>Defaults page. This allows password recovery links and Client Uploader certificates to work in the case that the DIVAdirector server has a different external IP address.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle DIVAdirector Release Notes, Release 5.4.1


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