Oracle Retail Invoice Matching Cloud Service

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Oracle Retail Invoice Matching Cloud Service supports the verification of merchandise invoice costs, quantities and taxes prior to payment. ReIM receives invoice data through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), an Induction process, or from invoices manually entered through a group or single invoice entry facility. Invoice records are verified against associated purchase orders and receipts in an automated matching process.

If invoices are matched to receipts within retailer defined tolerance at a summary, parent, or item level, they are evaluated for best payment terms and posted to a staging table. The staging table is interfaced with the retailer's accounts payable system, where payments are processed and corresponding accounting entries are posted.

If invoices and receipts are not matched after a specified period of time, the auto-matching process flags the invoice with cost or quantity discrepancies. Users can then begin a manual identification of summary and detail-level matches or individually resolve item-level discrepancies. Discrepancies are resolved by applying reason codes based on a set of defined actions (for example, charge-back supplier) that determine the disposition of the discrepancies.

Release Readiness Guide

Release Readiness Guide 19.1.000

Previous Releases

Cloud Services 19.0.000

Cloud Services 16.0.030 and higher

16.x, 15.x, 14.x, and 13.x Releases