About the Components of Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service

Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service is a part of the platform service offerings in Oracle Public Cloud Services.

Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service consists of the following components:

  • Home: The default landing page where you can monitor transform activity and view a variety of statistics. These statistics include the number of sources in your service instance, total data rows processed, transforms run, and the number of jobs succeeded or running, all in time slices of 30 days, 7 days, or 24 hours. Create a source or a transform, or upload data from the Quickstart panel. Access other types of documentation from the Resources bar.

    For more information on metrics for your transforms, see Understanding Information on the Home Page.

    For more information on creating a source, see Creating Data Sources.

    For more information on creating a transform, see Creating Transforms.

    For more information on uploading data, see Uploading Your Data.

  • Jobs: A searchable portal where you can view, sort, and filter jobs running on your service instance. For more information on the Jobs page, see Viewing Completed Pending and Running Jobs.

  • Catalog: A portal where you can view a searchable list of sources and profile snapshots for data sets that you’re processing in the system. You can also create or edit transform services or data sources, and upload or download data sets from this page. For more information on the Catalog, see Task Overview for Working with the Catalog.

  • Transform Authoring: A portal where you can author a transform script to repair or enrich your data set. Access the main authoring page when you create a new transform or edit an existing transform.

    For more information on transform script authoring, see Task Overview for Authoring the Transform Script.
  • Knowledge: A searchable portal for adding and managing custom reference knowledge files on your service instance’s processing engine. For more information on custom reference knowledge, see Adding Custom Reference Knowledge.

  • Policies: A searchable portal for creating and editing policies. Use policies to run transforms automatically against specific data files or directories at a set schedule or cadence, and define a target where data sources are published. For more information on policies, see Understanding Policies and Scheduling.