Generating Trace Files

While running the replay command, you can generate trace files to share with Oracle Support to troubleshoot issues. Oracle Support uses trace files to understand how the environment handled an Oracle Smart View for Office activity.

You use the optional trace=true parameter with the replay command to generate trace files in XML format. If you use this parameter, for each activity in the HAR file, EPM Automate creates a trace file that contains Smart View response to the activity.

Trace files are named trace-N.xml; for example, trace-1.xml where N is a counter that starts at 1. If multiple identically named HAR files are specified in the replay file, EPM Automate consolidates the trace files in one folder.

Trace files related to a HAR file are stored in a folder within the directory from which you run EPM Automate. EPM Automate creates one folder for each HAR file listed in the replay file. EPM Automate uses a combination of current server system time and HAR file name in YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_HAR_FILE_NAME format to name the folders. For example, if HAR file name is forecast1.har, the folder name may be 2016_06_08_10_21_42_forecast1.