About CSV Batch Registration File Properties

The following table provides descriptions of the properties that appear in the Comma Separated Values (CSV) file used to register a batch of devices with Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service. Mandatory and optional values are described in the table and are listed in the order they are expected to appear in the CSV file.

To register a batch of devices with Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service, see Register a Batch of Devices.

Property Required / Optional Description



The String data type assigned to the registered device. This value can be modified after device registration.



The manufacturer of the device.

Model Number


The model number of the device

Serial Number


The serial number of the device.

Activation ID


A Device Unique Identifier (UID) that is required for device activation. If a value is not specified, an auto-generated value is assigned to the device after a successful registration. The value cannot be changed after the device is successfully registered.

Activation Secret


The Activation Secret (also known as Shared Secret) value required to activate your device. If a value is not specified, an auto-generated string value is assigned to the device after a successful registration. This value is available after a successful registration. This value can be modified before you modify your device.



The decimal notation of the latitude of the device’s position. For example: -43.5723 [World Geodetic System 1984]. If you specify the latitude, then you must also specify the longitude.



The decimal notation of the longitude of the device’s position. For example: , e.g. -43.5723 [World Geodetic System 1984]. If you specify the longitude, then you must also specify the latitude.



The decimal notation of the altitude of the device’s position, in meters above sea level.



The accuracy of the device’s position in meters. This must be a positive number or zero. An accuracy value can only be specified if the latitude and longitude are provided.



Key/value pairs that are listed in successive columns. There must be an even number of columns containing keys and values. If there is an odd number of columns, an error message is returned.