Creating programs

Program Canvas is a drag-and-drop whiteboard that allows you to build data management workflows inside of Oracle Eloqua.

Learn more by watching the video!

To create a program:

  1. Navigate to Orchestration An image of the Orchestration icon., then click Programs.
  2. Click Create a Contact Program or Create a Custom Object Program.
  3. Select a template or choose a blank template.
  4. If you are creating a custom object program, in the Custom Object Data Set window, select the custom object data set. The Program Canvas opens. The left pane shows the steps. By default, popular steps are shown. To view all the available steps, click the Program Steps heading. You can mark your own favorite steps by clicking the star icon.

    An image showing how to view all the program canvas steps

    Tip: You can copy and paste groups of steps by highlighting them with your cursor and using your default keyboard shortcuts (for example, Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste).

  5. Configure basic information about the program:
    1. Click Info An image of the Campaign Settings icon. on the left side of the canvas, and add a Name and Description of the program.

      An image of the info tab.

    2. To allow a contact to enter the program more than once, select Allow contact to exist on multiple steps in the canvas. If you do not select this option, once a contact enters a program, the contact cannot enter the program again from another entry point.
    3. Click X to close the Info window.
  6. Add the data source steps to the canvas:

    • To subscribe to data using a listener step, double-click The listener step icon Listener Step. For more information, see Subscribing to data sources using a listener step.
    • To push data to a listener step from other areas of Oracle Eloqua, double-click The listener step icon Listener Step. For more information, see Data sources for listeners

      Note: You can only push data to a listener step if the program is active.

    • To add contacts to the program using a segment, double-click The segment member step icon Segment Members.

      Note: Once you configure the segment, it is evaluated on a regular basis based on your configuration. The minimum time between evaluations is 1 day.

  7. Add the decisions steps and action steps to the canvas by double-clicking the steps.
  8. After adding steps to the canvas, double-click each step to configure it. See Program Canvas steps for more information.
  9. Connect the steps on the canvas together to form a program path.

    An animated image showing steps being connected

    Tip: Add notes to your program to help you remember where you left off while working and alert colleagues as to the purpose of your program. Learn about adding notes.

  10. Click Save.
  11. Activate your program.
  12. Monitor the performance of the program using operational reports. If you need to change your program, you must disable the program.

Learn more

Operational reports for programs

Adding notes to campaigns and programs

Program Canvas steps

Asset security