Understanding Connect

Important: This topic is for users of the latest version of Connect . If your account still uses Classic Connect, download the Classic Connect User Guide.

Connect allows you to automate the transfer of uploaded and downloaded data to/from Lists, List filters, supplemental tables, and event data feeds.

Using this product module you may:

  • Import lists and supplemental tables into Connect.
  • Export lists, supplemental tables, and list filters via configured Connect jobs.
  • Automate the import of data captured in third-party systems.
  • Set up partner event data feeds that drive and launch specified campaigns.
  • Automate job exports of data from campaign events and other data sources.
  • View scheduled and completed jobs and details.

Import/Export Job Capabilities

For existing Lists – Imported Connect jobs can be merged into any existing List records.

Note: You may create as many imported jobs as you require.

For supplemental tables, the following options are available.

  • Merge imported job data into supplemental records.
  • Configure imported jobs to overwrite entire table, or append existing supplemental records.

Jobs can be scheduled and downloaded using any Lists, List filters, or supplemental tables.

The following provides examples of other Connect capabilities using the import or export features.

  • Daily List synchronization from a customer database/data warehouse.
  • Automated event data feeds direct from your designated file server to your Oracle Responsys account.
  • Daily product table processing (merge, append, or overwrite).
  • Partner-feeds to drive a campaign, for example re-marketing segment event feeds from Web analytics vendors.
  • Campaign event data download for external use.
  • Customer data-feeds to drive a campaign.
  • Survey data source download.

For information and instructions on feeds, click the Export Event Data Feeds link below.

Connect Page

The main Connect page details the status for all uploaded/downloaded job runs, as well as job details and logs for each complete job run.

Note: At any time, you may click the Refresh icon to display the most up-to-date information.

All Jobs Details

Click All Jobs tab to select and view specifics for imported or exported jobs. Job details include the following.

  • Job ID – Auto-assigned job IDs are used to identify each job.
  • Name – User-defined import/export job name.
  • Job Type – import or export type.
  • Next Run – Times of next scheduled job run. Non-recurring jobs are left blank.
  • Previous Run – Times of previous scheduled job run. Scheduled jobs that have not yet been run are left blank.
  • Schedule Type – One-Time or Recurring. This field is blank for job runs generated when user clicks Run Now.
  • Activation – Active or Inactive.
  • Job Status – Status for active jobs are Scheduled, Succeeded, or Failed. Inactive jobs are left blank.

    Note: Click Refresh icon to update your page at any time.

Running, Editing, and Deleting Jobs

After highlighting a job, and you may click one of the following.

  • Edit – Opens upload/download process pages where you can make your modifications.
  • Run Now – Immediately executes selected job. Using this option does not affect any scheduled future run times.

    Note: This option is not available for Connect event data feeds.

  • Delete – Deletes selected job. A confirmation prompt appears before final deletion. This option does not delete any loaded records that have previously been successfully processed.

Completed Job Details

Click the Completed Jobs tab to select and view specifics for all activities related to each executed job. Job details include the following.

  • Job ID and Run ID – Auto-assigned job IDs to identify each job.

    Note: Each instance of a job run execution has its own identifier, and that is a concatenation of the Job ID and Run ID in the form jobID.runID

  • Name – User-defined import/export job name.
  • Type – Identifies whether a job was imported or exported.
  • Start Time and Duration – Start and duration times of each activity associated with an individual job.
  • Run Status – Failed or Success.

Viewing Job Logs

Highlight a job on the Completed Jobs tab, and click View Log to examine load information. This is especially helpful for failed and partially completed jobs, or other issues requiring further investigation.

Note: Only information for fully completed job loads are included in a Job Log.

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