Creating Approval Status Reports

You can view detailed status of the approval process using approval status reports. All users can access this report, however you'll see only the approval units that you have write access to.

Filters allow you to generate more focused reports. You can filter by:

  • Approval Status

  • Scenario

  • Version

  • Approval Unit Hierarchy

  • Current Location's Generation

  • Approval Groups

Approvals status reports provide the following information:

  • Approval Unit

  • Parent

  • Status

  • Sub-Status


    Sub-status tracks failures that occur while performing actions on the approval unit. Typically failures can include lack of security access, validation rule failures, or other system failures that prevent the action from being completed successfully.

  • Previous Owner

  • Current Owner

  • Next Owner

  • Current Location

  • Total Value

  • Last Status Change Date

Sample Approval Status Report in PDF Format

You can generate approval status reports in the following formats:

  • XLSX (Excel)

  • PDF

  • HTML

  • XML

To create approval status reports:

  1. Click the Navigator icon Navigator icon, and then under Monitor and Explore, click System Reports.
  2. Click Approval Unit, and then click Approval Status.
  3. Make your selections:
    • Under Select Approval Status, select the states you'd like to view in the report or select All.

    • Under Filters, select a Scenario and then choose the following options:

      • Version: Click Select Members icon (Select Members) to open the Member Selection dialog and make your selections.

      • Approval Unit Hierarchy: This optional filter adds a subset of an approval unit hierarchy.

      • Current Location's Generation: This option adds all members of that generation to the report. You can enter generation numbers, generation ranges, or both separated by commas; for example, 1,4,6-9.

      • Approval Groups: This option displays the approval groups you select in the report.

    • Under Select Format, choose a file format (XLSX, PDF, HTML, or XML).

  4. Click Create Report and select where to save the report.