Driver Member Casting Errors

A driver member casting error occurs when a value in a data load input file does not match the evaluated driver member type. Here are some examples of driver member casting errors:

  • If a driver member is of type “Date” and it's corresponding input value is not a valid date format

  • If a nonexistent Smart List value is specified for a driver member of type “Smart List

  • If a nonnumeric value is supplied for a member of type “Currency,” “Data,” or “Percent.

A casting error can occur for each driver member specified in the input file and for every occurrence in a data record, so the number of casting errors for a given input record ranges from 0 to the number of drivers. Because successful driver member bindings can occur along with driver member binding errors, Planning will not reject the entire input record, but the error will be noted in the import and export status. See Viewing Import and Export Status.

Consider the following data record input file where a bad date value is specified:

Entity, aDate, aSl, aText, aCurr, aPercent, Point-of-View,Data Load Cube Name
e1, exampleBadDateValue, sl1, text11, 888, 0.99, "FY15,Current,""BUVersion_1"",Local,u1,Jan",Plan1

Error messages displayed:

  • After loading the data, the status window will read:

    Planning Outline data store load process finished (Invalid data values were not loaded). 7 data records were read, 7 data records were processed, 7 were accepted for loading (verify actual load with Essbase log files), 0 were rejected.
  • The error is noted as an error in the import and export status with the following entry details:

    Category: Data record
    Record Index: 2
    Message: Unable to load specified data value in Record 2: (aDate: exampleBadDateValue)
  • If multiple casting errors occur, each error is recorded in the same error message:

    Unable to load specified data values in Record 2: (aSl: aaaaaaasl1), (aPercent: cc), (aDate: exampleBadDateValue), (aCurr: bb)
  • If the error message count exceeds the maximum limit, it will issue the following message:

    The warning [Unable to load specified data values] message count limit (100) exceeded: no more warnings of this type will be issued.