The below outlines troubleshooting for error messages stating the developer of the application does not currently allow it to be added or failure to install referencing a confirmation code and asking you to contact Involver for more information.

These messages may appear for the following reasons:

You have a Basic account and are trying to install a Professional, Business or Enterprise-level application.
You must sign up for a Professional, Business or Enterprise-level account to use these applications.

You are trying to install the application to a Facebook Profile page.
You need to create or go to a Fan Page that is not a Profile page first, and then try again.

You have already added the application to your Fan Page.
To check this, follow the instructions below:

  • Click the 'Edit Page' link on the upper right side of your Fan Page
  • *# Click on Applications in the left column
    1. You will see a list of all applications installed.  Involver applications contain the phrase "for pages" in the name, e.g. Twitter for Pages or YouTube for Pages

You have tried to install an application to your Basic account, but you already have two applications installed (the current limit).
You can delete some of your installed applications by doing the following:

  • Click the 'Edit Page' link on the upper right side of your Fan Page
    1. Click on Applications on the left column
    2. You will see a list of all applications installed.  Involver applications contain the phrase "for pages" in the name, e.g. Twitter for Pages or YouTube for Pages
    3. Click the X next to any app you wish to remove

You are not an admin of the Fan Page.
You must have admin status to install an application.

If you need further support please see for assistance.