Social Station

    Social Station is your home base for Dashboards and Intelligence Centers. Dashboards display a set of custom analytics that you pick and select. Intelligence Centers display social media content, allowing you to visualize social media trends. You can display insights based around a Listen topic, or social media content from a Content & Apps view.

    In this article, we are focusing on Intelligence Centers - we'll go through setting up views and displaying your content. You can learn more about Dashboards in our Custom Analytics help article.

    In this article:

    Navigating to Social Station

    You can access Social Station from the main Navigation drop down menu.

    Getting Started

    When you navigate to Social Stations, click Intelligence Centers. This is your home page for your Intelligence Center views - all the Views you create will appear on this page.

    There are two types of Views:

    • Topic Insight view: Display metrics on topics you have created in Listen
    • App view: Display social media content from a Content & Apps view

    Adding a Topic Insight View

    From the Intelligence Center home page, click Add New. A sub-menu will appear, letting you select which type of view you want to add. Select Add New Topic Insights View, and the Add a Topic Insight View modal will open.

    • Name - Give your view a name.
      Note: If you don't give your view a name, it will default to the topic name.
    • Description - Give your view a short description.
    • Select Topic - Select which topic from Listen you want to disply metrics from.
    • Select View Type - Select from two different Topic view types:
      • Theme View - Displays a word cloud of the terms used most often with the selected topic
      • Demographics View - Displays demographic metrics for the selected topic

    Once you have made all your selections, click Done and your view will appear on the home page.

    Adding a Content & Apps View

    From the Intelligence Center home page, click Add New. A sub-menu will appear, letting you Select which type of view you want to add. Select Add New Content & Apps View, and the Add a Content & Apps View modal will open.

    • Name - Give your view a name.
    • Description - Give your view a short description.
    • Select Module - Select which view from Content & Apps you want to display content from.

    Once you have made all your selections, click Done and your view will appear on the home page.

    Organizing Your Views

    Once you have created views, you can sort them by Topic Insights or Content & Apps by clicking the buttons at the top of the page.

    You can delete a view by hovering over it - a trash can icon will appear, and clicking that will delete the view.

    Note: This will not delete the topic or C&A view the view is connected to.

    Displaying Your View

    Once you have created a view, you are ready to display it. Clicking the icon at the bottom of your view will open it in a new tab, as what we call a Command Center.

    To display your view correctly:

    • Change your screen resolution to 1080p.
    • Put your browser in Presentation mode.

    Topics Insight View - Theme

    The Theme view displays a word cloud of the themes for your topic, plus three metrics on those themes. The display rotates every 10 seconds, changing to a new theme with the metrics for that theme.
    Note: For more information about themes, see Using Interactions section of The Dashboard Tab help article.

    The theme cloud will appear on the right side of the screen. On the left, you'll see the name of the current theme being displayed and the following metrics on that theme:

    • Volume - Measurement of the number of mentions in the theme, compared to the other themes in the set for the topic. Displayed as a circle chart, as low, medium, high, very high, or highest volume.
    • Topic Accuracy - Measurement of how similar the individual theme is to the topic. Displayed as a bar graph, as off topic, slightly off topic, on topic, very on topic, or exactly on topic.
    • Content Focus - Measurement of how similar the individual mentions are to each other; the more similar they are, the higher the focus. Displayed as a circle chart, as very diverse, diverse, slightly focused, focused, or highly focused.

    The appearance of this chart also gives you insights into the theme:

    • Distance - Measurement of how accurate the content of the theme is to the topic. The further away the circle is from the center, the less similar the theme is to the topic.
    • Color - Measurement of the focus of the content; the darker the circle, the more focused.
    • Size - Measurement of the number of mentions; the larger the circle, the more mentions there are in it.

    Topics Insight View - Demographic

    The Demographic view displays metrics about near real-time engagement on a specific Listen topic. The display refreshes every 20 seconds, updating the data in the metrics.

    You'll see the following metrics:

    • Gender Breakdown - The percentages of males and females talking about the selected topic.
    • Social Sources - Displays how much content is coming from the various social sources, including:
      • Blogs: publication of personal thoughts and web links
      • Consumer reviews: customer opinion sites of products and services
      • Message boards: online discussion sites
      • Microblogs: Twitter
      • News: current events and updates
      • Social Networks: Facebook and G+
      • Video: YouTube
    • Net Sentiment - The percent change between the messages collected in the current day versus messages collected in the previous day using the formula [(# of positive mentions - # of negative mentions)/(# of positive mentions + # of negative mentions)].
    • Volume - The number of mentions categorized by topic.
    • Reach - The sum of the total numer of followers per author per mention. This could also be called "potential reach", as it calculates the potential number of people who could see a mention.
    • Recent Activity - The volume and reach of the activity on the topic. Each bar represents a 20 second window. The dark blue bar represents volume, and the light blue bar represents reach (Twitter only).
      Note: The height of each bar's segment (reach or volume) are relative.
    • Twitter Activity - The amount of recent Twitter activity on the topic.
    • Mentions - A sample of mentions, which are examples of the content coming in from the topic.

    Content & Apps View

    A Content & Apps View displays content from a Social Media Mixer module in Content & Apps, which pulls in social media content from Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. You can select to display the content in various ways, depending on how you set up the module in Content & Apps.

    Setting Up Your Content & Apps View

    To use a Content & Apps view, you'll need to create a Social Media Mixer module on a view in Content & Apps. For details on how to set up a Social Media Mixer module, please see the The Social Media Mixer Module help article.

    If you aren't familiar with Content & Apps, please see the Building a View help article.

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