Metrics Definitions for Listen & Analyze: Resources

    This chapter lists quick definitions on various metrics. Here is a list of all the metrics we have in Listen & Analyze in the Resources section.

    The Streams & Posts Tab
        · Dashboard
        · Fans: Overview
        · Fans: Demographics
        · Engagement: Overview
        · Engagement: Demographics
        · Visibility: Impressions
        · Visibility: Reach
        · Visibility: Reach Demographics
        · Posts: Overview
        · Posts: All Posts
        · Posts: Insights
        · Twitter Listen & Analyze: Overview
        · Twitter Listen & Analyze: Engagement
        · Google+ Dashboard
        · YouTube

    The Views & Modules Tab
        · Account Overview
        · Views
        · Modules

    The Streams & Posts Tab


    • Total Fans: The total number of people who have liked your page.
    • New Fans: The number of new people who have liked your page.
    • Removed Fans: The number of people who have unliked your page.
    • Avg. New Fans per Day: The average number of new people who have liked your page within the specified timeframe.

    • Male: The total number of your fans who are male.
    • Female: The total number of your fans who are female.
    • Top Gender/Age: The gender/age of the largest segment of your fans.

    • Top Fan Sources: How fans are getting to your page. This includes places inside Facebook (not including your page) and external websites.

    • REACH
    • Reach: The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page during the date range selected. This includes ads and sponsored stories that point to your page.
      Note: Reach does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.
    • Avg. Reach/Day: The average number of people who have seen any content associated with your page per day within the specified timeframe.

    • Impressions: The total number of times content associated with your page has been displayed on a browser.
    • Avg. Impressions/Day: The average number of times content associated with your page was displayed on a browser within the specified timeframe.

    • Page Stories: The number of stories created about your page. Stories include:
      • Liking your page
      • Posting to your page's timeline
      • Liking
      • Commenting on, or sharing one of your page's posts
      • Answering a question you posted
      • RSVPing to one of your events
      • Mentioning your page
      • Photo-tagging your page
      • Checking in at your place
    • Avg. Page Stories/Day: The average number of stories created about your page within the specified timeframe. These stories include:
      • Liking your page
      • Posting to your page's timeline
      • Liking
      • Commenting on, or sharing one of your page's posts
      • Answering a question you posted
      • RSVPing to one of your events
      • Mentioning your page
      • Photo-tagging your page
      • Checking in at your place

    • POSTS
    • Total Actions: The number of likes and comments that came from your page's posts.
    • Likes: The number of likes that came from your page's posts.
    • Comments: The number of comments that came from your page's posts.

    Fans Overview

    • Total Fans: The total number of people who have liked your page.
    • New Fans: The number of new people who have liked you page.
    • Avg. New Fans per Day: The average number of new people who have liked your page within the specified timeframe.
    • Removed Fans: The number of people who have unliked your page.
    • Fan Sources: How fans are getting to your page. This includes places inside Facebook (not including your page) and external websites.

    Fan Locations

    • Top Fan Locations: A map that shows you the top 20 countries and cities where your fans are located around the world.
    • Total Fans: The total number of people who have liked your page.
    • Top Country: The country where the highest number of your fans live.
    • Top City: The city where the highest number of your fans live.
    • Top Language: The language that the highest number of your fans have set as their default language.

    • Top Locations (first date in range): A chart showing the top locations of your fans, broken out by country, city, or language. This chart shows the data at the beginning of the time range you are viewing, including the location, the total number from that location, and what percentage that number makes up of total number of fans. Click the text link to display the location type you want to view.
    • Top Locations (last date in range): A chart showing the top locations of your fans, broken out by country, city, or language. This chart shows the data at the end of the time range you are viewing, including the location, the total number from that location, what percentage that number makes up of total number of fans, and the percent the number changed over the selected time frame. Click the text link to display the location type you want to view.
    • Gender/Age: A chart showing the age and gender of your fans, based on the information they have provided in their user profiles. Click Change to see how this information has changed over the specified timeframe.
    • Gender: The gender breakdown of the people who have liked your page.
    • Gender/Age (first date in range): A chart showing the age and gender of your fans, based on the information they have provided in their user profiles, broken out into age groups by gender. This chart shows the data at the beginning of the time range you are viewing, including the age group, the total number of people in that group, and the percent that makes up of the whole. There are two charts, one for first and another for the last date in your date change. You will see the age group, the total number of people in that group, and the percent that makes up of the whole. The chart for the last day in your chosen date range also shows you the percentage for how those numbers have changed over the date range.
    • Gender/Age (last date in range): A chart showing the age and gender of your fans, based on the information they have provided in their user profiles, broken out into age groups by gender. This chart shows the data at the end of the time range you are viewing, including the age group, the total number of people in that group, the percent that makes up of the whole, and the percent the number changed over the selected time frame.

    Engagement Overview

    • Engagement: A list displaying how users are interacting with your page and its contents, which you can display by stories, people talking about this, or consumptions. Use the text links to change what information is displayed.
    • Stories: The number of stories created about your page. Stories include:
      • Liking your page
      • Posting to your page's timeline
      • Liking
      • Commenting on, or sharing one of your page's posts
      • Answering a question you posted
      • RSVPing to one of your events
      • Mentioning your page
      • Photo-tagging your page
      • Checking in at your place
    • Engaged Users: The average number of unique users who have created a story or clicked on content from your page during the date range selected.
      Note: We use the daily unique numbers to provide a custom date range, which means there may be some overlap in the summary data for these metrics.
    • Consumptions: The number of times people clicked on any of your page's content without generating a story.

    • Engagement: Stories, People Talking About This, Consumptions: This list displays how users are interacting with your page and its contents. The list is broken out by the type of engagement, ordered from highest to lowest.
      On the top right hand side of the list, text links labeled stories, people talking about this, and consumptions are listed. Clicking a text link will refresh the list, displaying the data for that particular metric. The list shows you the total number for that metric, plus the percentage it makes up of the total engagement.
    • Negative Feedback: The number of times people performed a negative action on your page or its content (For example, Unliked your page or hid a post), broken out by action type.
    • Top Engaged Users: A list of the 10 users who have posted to your wall and commented on your posts the most in a 90 day period.
    • Referral Sources: A list of the external websites that have referred users to your page, listed from most to least. You will see the first 10 external sources, and click the View More link to see a complete list.

    Some notes on negative action types:

    • Page unlikes only includes users who explicitly unliked your page.
    • Removed fans also includes users who are no longer fans of your page for other reasons, such as if the user’s account is no longer active.

    Engagement Locations

    • Engagement Map: A map showing you the top 20 countries and cities where the people engaging with your page are located around the world.
    • Top Country: The country where the most people are talking about your page.
    • Top Language: The language that the most people talking about your page have set as their default language.
    • Top Gender/Age: The gender/age segment of the highest number of people talking about your page.

      • Locations/Languages: A breakdown of the countries and languages of your fans, which you can display by country or language. The list will display the top 10 automatically, and you can view the entire list by clicking Show the full list.
      • People Talking About This: Gender & Age: The gender and age segments of the people talking about your page.
      • People Talking About This: Males by Age: The number of males who are talking about your page, broken out by age groups.
      • People Talking About This: Females by Age: The number of females who are talking about your page, broken out by age groups.

      Visibility Impressions

      • Impressions: The total number of times content associated with your page was displayed on a browser.
      • Paid Impressions: The number of times content from a sponsored story or an ad pointing to your page was displayed on a browser.
      • Organic Impressions: The number of times your posts were seen in the Newsfeed, Ticker, or on visits to your page. These may come from your fans or non-fans.
      • Viral Impressions: The number of impressions of a story about your page by a fan or non-fan.

        • Impressions by Story Type: The total impressions of stories about your page published by a friend of a fan or non-fan, broken out by story type.

        Visibility Reach

        • Reach: The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page during the date range selected. This includes ads and sponsored stories that point to your page.
          Note: Reach does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.
        • Paid Reach: The total number of unique users who saw an ad or sponsored story pointed to your page during the date range selected.
          Note: We use the daily unique numbers to provide a custom date range, which means there may be some overlap in the summary data for these metrics. Also, total reach does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.
        • Organic Reach: The total number of unique users who saw content about your page in the News Feed, ticker, or on your page during the date range selected. This includes both fans and non-fans.
          Note: We use the daily unique numbers to provide a custom date range, which means there may be some overlap in the summary data for these metrics. Also, total reach does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.
        • Viral Reach: The total number of unique users who saw a story about your page published by a fan or non-fan during the date range selected.
          Note: We use the daily unique numbers to provide a custom date range, which means there may be some overlap in the summary data for these metrics. Also, total reach does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.

          • Reach by Story Type: A list of the estimated number of people who saw a story about your page, broken out by story type.

          Visibility Reach Locations

          • Reach Locations: A map shows you the top 20 countries and cities where the people you reached are located around the world. You can also hover over points on the map to see the actual numbers for certain cities around the world.
          • Most Reached Country: The country where the highest estimated number of people reached by your content live.
          • Most Reached City: The country where the highest estimated number of people reached by your content live.
          • Most Reached Language: The language that the highest estimated number of people reached by your content have set as their default language.
          • Most Reached Age/Gender: The age/gender of the highest estimated number of people reached by your content.

            • Locations/Languages: A breakdown of location data (countries, cities, and languages) about the people your content has reached, ordered from highest to lowest.
            • Gender & Age: The age and gender of the people your content has reached.
            • Males Reached by Age: The number of males that your content reached.
            • Females Reached by Age: The number of females that your content reached.

            Posts Overview

            • Post Impressions: The number of impressions that came from all of your posts within the specified timeframe.
            • Posts: The number of posts made by your page within the specified timeframe.
            • Engagement Rate: The percentage of users who interacted with your post when they were exposed to it. This is calculated by adding post likes, comments, shares, link clicks, video plays, photo views, and answers then dividing by post reach. We don’t include other clicks in this metric.
              Note: Facebook reports post data for up to 28 days, so there is a chance post engagement rate may fluctuate up to 28 days after posting depending on the popularity of the post.
            • Likes: The number of likes on your posts.
            • Comments: The number of comments on your posts.
            • Shares: The number of times your post was shared natively on Facebook.

              • Content From: A text chart and pie chart displaying the types of content in your Posts, broken out by content type. The list shows you the content type, the total number for that content type, and the percentage it makes up of the total content posted to the page.
              • Top Posts: A list showing you the 10 top posts from the last 1000 made by your page. This is calculated by adding the likes and comments on each post. The post with the largest sum is the top post. For each post, you'll see: content type, text, timestamp, virality percentage, permalink, number of likes, and number of comments.

              All Posts

              • All the posts you have made to the selected Facebook page through Workflow & Automation Publish and natively during the selected time range, along with some basic metrics about the post, including:
                • Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who interacted with your post when they were exposed to it. This is calculated by adding the total page actions, then dividing by Reach.
                • Virality Rate: The number of people talking about this (unique people who created a story about this post) divided by the unique impressions for the post (the number of people who have seen this post [estimated]).
                • Total Actions: Any action that can be taken on the post, including likes, comments, shares, photo clicks, workflow and automation clicks.
                • Likes: The number of times the post was liked.
                • Comments: The number of comments the post received.
                • Shares: The number of times the post was shared on Facebook.

              Post Insights

              • POST INSIGHTS CHART
              • Best Performing Time: The time of day and day of the week when your posts are performing the best, based on the ratio of posts to interaction over the 90 day rolling period.
              • Best Ratio: The ratio of posts to interaction that is the highest over the 90 day rolling period.
              • Worst Performing Time: The time of day and day of the week when your posts are performing the worst, based on the ratio of posts to interaction over a 90 day period.
              • Time Posted Most Frequently: The time of day and day of the week when you are posting to your page the most frequently.

                • Post Frequency by Hour: A distribution of how often you are posting to your page throughout the day over a 90 day period.

                Twitter Listen & Analyze: Overview

                • Followers: This module is a line graph that shows the total number of people who are following your brand on Twitter, showing you how your follower growth is trending.
                • Tweet Insights: A scatter plot showing average posting and engagement to your tweets. The inner circle represents the average number of tweets you have made on that day of the week/time of day. The outer circle represents the amount of engagement those tweets have received.
                • Top Tweets: The 10 tweets that had the most retweets from your last 30 days of tweets. You'll see the text of the tweet, the time and date it was posted, and the number of times it was retweeted.

                Twitter Listen & Analyze: Engagement

                • Engagement: The number of actions about your Twitter stream, which includes mentions, retweets, and workflow and automation clicks on each day.
                • Total Engagement: The number of actions about your Twitter stream, which includes mentions, retweets, and workflow and automation clicks on each day.
                • Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who interacted with your Twitter stream when they were exposed to it on each day. This is calculated by dividing the engagement number by the number of Twitter followers for your stream.
                • Total Engagement Rate: The total percentage of people who interacted with your Twitter stream when they were exposed to it within the time frame you're viewing. This is calculated by dividing the engagement number by the number of Twitter followers for your stream.
                • Mentions: The number of times your brand's Twitter handle was mentioned in tweets on each day.
                • Total Mentions: The total number of times your brand's Twitter handle was mentioned in tweets within the time frame you're viewing.
                • Mention Rate: The percentage of people who mentioned your Twitter stream when they were exposed to it each day. This is calculated by dividing the number of mentions by the number of Twitter followers for your stream.
                • Total Mention Rate: The total number of times your brand's Twitter handle was mentioned in tweets within the time frame you're viewing.
                • Workflow & Automation Clicks: The number of times users clicked the publish-generated short links in your tweets on each day.
                • Total Workflow & Automation Clicks: The total number of times users clicked the publish-genereated short links in your tweets within the time frame you're viewing.
                • Workflow & Automation Click Rate: The percentage of people who clicked the publish-generated short links in your tweets when they were exposed to it each day. This is calculated by dividing the number of workflow and automation clicks by the number of Twitter followers for your stream.
                • Total Workflow & Automation Click Rate: The total percentage of people who clicked the publish-generated short links in your tweets when they were exposed to it within the time frame you're viewing. This is calculated by dividing the number of workflow and automation clicks by the number of Twitter followers for your stream.

                Google+ Dashboard

                • Follower Growth: The growth of your followers over time.
                • Engagement Insights: The actions that have been taken on your Google+ page by date and time.
                • Post Insights: A scatter plot showing average posting and engagement to your Google+ page. The inner circle represents the average number of posts you have made on that day of the week/time of day. The outer circle represents the amount of engagement those posts have received.
                • Top Posts: The top posts that have the most engagement and number of +1s, replies, and reshares for the post.
                • Top Circles: The top circles that have gotten the most activity, ordered by the number of followers the circle has.


                • Views: The number of times that a video on your channel was viewed.
                • Unique Views: The number of unique viewers that watched the videos on your channel.
                • Comments: The number of comments users have made on the videos on your channel.
                • Likes: The number of people who have clicked Lik" on the videos on your channel.
                • Dislikes: The number of people who have clicked Dislike on the videos on your channel.
                • Shares: The number of times users have shared the videos on your channel.
                • Viewers by Country: A breakdown of the countries where your viewers live.
                • Subscribers Gained: The number of times that users subscribed to your channel.
                • Subscribers Lost: The number of times that users unsubscribed from your channel.
                • Average View Duration: The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks on your channel.
                • Estimated Minutes Watched: The number of minutes that users watched videos on your channel.
                • Annotation Click Through Rate: The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions.
                • Annotation Close Rate: The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions.
                • Average View Percentage: The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback on your channel.

                The Views & Modules Tab

                Account Overview

                • Fan Growth: The total number of users who have liked your Facebook page(s) each day. This number is cumulative over time.
                • Page Views: The number of fans and non-fans who have viewed your Page(s) or those Page(s') posts over the date range.
                • User Engagement: A combination of all the actions that have been taken on your views over the date range. Actions are anything that occurs in a module; for example, voting in a poll on a polls module, or printing a coupon from a Coupons module.
                • View Performance: Page Views: The number of visits the view has gotten, and the percentage those numbers have changed within the specified timeframe.
                • View Performance: Actions: The number of actions that have been taken on your view, and the percentage this has changed within the specified timeframe.
                • Module Performance: Views: The number of visits the module type has gotten, and the percentage those numbers have changed in the time period you are viewing.
                • Module Performance: Actions: The number of actions that have been taken on your module, and the percentage this has changed in the time period you are viewing.


                • Page Views: The number of users who have landed on that view's Facebook tab. This number is not unique - multiple visits by the same user will count in this number.
                • New fans: The number of new fans the view's Facebook page has gained.
                • All Actions: The numbers for all the actions performed on the view.


                • Module Views: The number of times a module has been viewed by a user. This number is not unique - multiple visits by the same user will count in this number.
                • All Actions: The numbers for all the actions performed on all modules on your account.

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