Getting Started with Content & Apps

    Content & Apps is made up of several powerful elements that help you create and publish custom tabs for your Facebook brand Page or pages you can embed on external websites. This help article will guide you through the various parts of the Content & Apps interface.

    You can work with Content & Apps if you are an Oracle Social Marketing customer.

    Note: These articles are written assuming that you are an administrator on your account. If you are not an administrator, you may not be able to access certain parts of the Content & Apps interface.

    In this article:

    Signing in to Content & Apps

    About the Content & Apps Interface



    Brand-Wide Content
        · Brand-Wide Content
        · Edit Brand CSS


        · Layout Settings
        · Activity

    Click a link above to get directly to that section, or scroll down and start reading.

    Signing in to Content & Apps

    Since Tabs is part of the SRM platform, you can find information about logging in and navigating through the platform in the help article Signing on to SRM and Navigating the Platform.

    About the Content & Apps Interface

    Since Content & Apps is part of the SRM platform, we'll just be going over the parts of the interface that are specific to Content & Apps.

    Content & Apps has five main sections, which are tabbed underneath the main SRM navigation bar:

    • Views
    • Connections
    • Brand Content
    • Contests
    • Admin

    • Views

      This is where you land when you sign in to Content & Apps, and it will be the center of your Content & Apps experience.

      All the views you have created are displayed in the View Manager, which is a list of your Views with basic information on each - the date it was last updated and what application it is connected to, if any. Each view also has a gear icon - if you hover over that icon, you'll find the following controls: Edit View, Delete, and Settings. The View Manager will display 20 views at a time and the Manager will paginate after that. You can also search your Views using the search bar under the pagination controls.

      The Views page also shows you a list of the recent activity on your various Views. This list shows you which user on your account performed an action, what action they performed and on what module/View, and the time and date that action occurred. You can see a complete list of activity on your account on the Activity tab in Views.

      Note: Facebook does not support tabs on mobile, so any Views you connect to your Facebook Pages will not be seen on mobile.


      The Connections section has 2 sections: My Facebook Pages and My Apps.

      • My Facebook Pages
        You'll see a table displaying the Facebook Pages you are an administrator of. The table shows you the page name, the app it is connected to, the View attached to it, if it is a non-fan View, and the Country and Language if it has been geo-targeted. You can edit a Page or attach a View to one by clicking the buttons at the top of the table.

      • My Apps
        You'll see a table of the Facebook apps you have created and added to Content & Apps. The table shows you the app's Tab Name, API key, API secret, Canvas Page URL and Description - all this information is set on Facebook. You can edit an app or add a new app to the table by using the buttons at the top of the table.

      Brand Content

      This is where you create and edit content that will affect your entire account, if you are an account or team administrator.

      • Brand-Wide Content
        This section is where you create brand-wide content - modules that appear on every View created in your account. These modules cannot be deleted from a View, they can only be deleted from the Brand-wide Content section, though you can make the modules optional for each View. You use this area just like a regular View - drag and drop the modules you want to appear onto the layout area. These modules will appear in a regular view with a blue locked tab instead of a control tab.

        Note: If you are not familiar with CSS, do not make changes to this page.

      • Edit Brand CSS
        If you want to customize the look and feel of your Views, you can do that in the Edit Brand CSS page. You can also revert back to previous versions of your page.

        Note: If you are not familiar with CSS, do not make changes to this page.


      This is where all the contests you have created on your account live. You can edit your contests and moderate the submissions from this area.


      This is where you can set certain items specific to your Content & Apps account.

      1. Layout Settings
        The Layout Settings area is where you can set which base CSS styling and View Layout width your account will use. (For more information about this, see the Choosing your Base CSS and Facebook Timeline in Content & Apps help article.)

      2. Activity
        The Activity section shows you a list of actions that have been taken on your account. You can view all of the activity on your account at once by clicking the View All History button, or you can use the History by View table to see the activities for a specific View. You can see the activity within a specific date range by using the Date Range Selector at the top of the page.

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