4.8 Upgrading Oracle Trace File Analyzer Collector by Applying a Patch Set Update

Always upgrade to the latest version whenever possible to include bug fixes, new features, and optimizations.

Applying the patch set update automatically updates Oracle Trace File Analyzer. The latest version of Oracle Trace File Analyzer is shipped with each new database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure patch set update. The patch set update version is normally three months behind the version that is released on My Oracle Support.

When a new patch set update is applied to Oracle Grid Infrastructure home or database home, Oracle Trace File Analyzer upgrades automatically if the version in the PSU is greater than the version that is currently installed.

The latest Oracle Trace File Analyzer version is available on My Oracle Support Note 1513912.2, three months before it is available in a patch set update.

When updating Oracle Trace File Analyzer through patch set update, Oracle Trace File Analyzer Database Support Tools Bundle is not updated automatically. Download and update the support tools from My Oracle Support Note 1513912.2.