1 Package OracleXml APIs for C++

OracleXml is the namespace for all XML C++ interfaces implemented by Oracle. It includes class XmlException, the root for all exceptions in XML, and the following namespaces:

1.1 XmlException Interface

XMLException is the root interface for all XML exceptions. Table 1-1 summarizes the methods available through the OracleXml Package.

Table 1-1 Summary of OracleXml Package Interfaces

Function Summary


Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception.


Get current language (encoding) of error messages.


Get Oracle XML error message.

1.1.1 getCode()

This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined functions returning Oracle XML error codes (like error codes defined in xml.h) of the exceptional situations during execution


virtual unsigned getCode() const = 0;


(unsigned) numeric error code (0 on success)

1.1.2 getMesLang()

This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for user defined functions returning current language (encoding) of error messages for the exceptional situations during execution


virtual oratext* getMesLang() const = 0;


(oratext *) Current language (encoding) of error messages

1.1.3 getMessage()

This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined functions returning Oracle XML error messages of the exceptional situations during execution.


virtual oratext* getMessage() const = 0;


(oratext *) Error message