12.5.3 Deinstallation Tool Command Reference

You can use the deinstallation tool to remove Oracle software. You can run this command in standalone mode, from an Oracle home directory, or through the installer.


The deinstallation tool stops Oracle software, and removes Oracle software and configuration files on the operating system.

File Path



Before you run the deinstallation tool for Oracle Grid Infrastructure installations:

  • Dismount Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) and disable Oracle Automatic Storage Management Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM).

  • If Grid Naming Service (GNS) is in use, then notify your DNS administrator to delete the subdomain entry from the DNS.

Syntax When Using the deinstall.bat Program

deinstall.bat [-silent] [-checkonly] [-local] 
 [-paramfile complete path of input response file] 
 [-params name1=value [name2=value . . .]] 
 [-o complete path of directory for saving files] 
 [-tmpdir complete path of temporary directory to use]
 [-logdir complete path of log directory to use] [-skipLocalHomeDeletion] [-skipRemoteHomeDeletion] [-help]


Table 12-1 Options for the Deinstallation Tool

Command Option Description
home complete path of Oracle home

Specify this option to indicate the home path of the Oracle home to check or deinstall. To deinstall Oracle software using the deinstall.bat command located within the Oracle home being removed, provide a response file in a location outside the Oracle home, and do not use the -home option.

If you run deinstall.bat from the %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall path, then the -home option is not required because the tool knows from which home it is being run.

silent Specify this option to run the deinstallation tool in noninteractive mode. This option requires one of the following:
  • A working system that it can access to determine the installation and configuration information; the -silent option does not work with failed installations.

  • A response file that contains the configuration values for the Oracle home that is being deinstalled or deconfigured.


Specify this option to check the status of the Oracle software home configuration. Running the deinstall command with the -checkonly option does not remove the Oracle configuration. This option generates a response file that you can use with the deinstall.bat command.

When you use the -checkonly option to generate a response file, you are prompted to provide information about your system. You can accept the default value the tool has obtained from your Oracle installation, indicated inside brackets ([]), or you can provide different values. To accept the defaults, press Enter at each prompt.


Specify this option on a multinode environment to deconfigure Oracle software in a cluster.

When you run deinstall.bat with this option, it deconfigures and deinstalls the Oracle software only on the local node (the node on which you run deinstall.bat) for non-shared Oracle home directories. The deinstallation tool does not deinstall or deconfigure Oracle software on remote nodes.

paramfile complete path of input response file

(Optional) You can specify this option to run deinstall.bat with a response file in a location other than the default. When you use this option, provide the complete path where the response file is located. If you run the deinstall.bat command from the Oracle home that you plan to deinstall, then you do not need to specify the -paramfile option.

The default location of the response file depends on the location of the deinstallation tool:

  • From the installation media or stage location: X:\staging_location\deinstall\response

  • After installation, from the installed Oracle home: %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall\response.

params name1=value[ name2=value name3=value...] Use this option with a response file to override one or more values in a response file that you created.
o complete path of directory for saving response files

Use this option to provide a path other than the default location where the response file (deinstall.rsp.tmpl) is saved.

The default location of the response file depends on the invocation method of the deinstallation tool:

  • From the installation media or stage location: stagelocation\response

  • After installation, from the installed Oracle home: %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall\response.

tmpdir complete path of temporary directory to use Specifies a non-default location where the deinstallation tool writes the temporary files for the deinstallation.
logdir complete path of log directory to use Specifies a non-default location where the deinstallation tool writes the log files for the deinstallation.
skipLocalHomeDeletion Specify this option in Oracle Grid Infrastructure installations on a multinode environment to deconfigure a local Grid home without deleting the Grid home.
skipRemoteHomeDeletion Specify this option in Oracle Grid Infrastructure installations on a multinode environment to deconfigure a remote Grid home without deleting the Grid home.
help Use the -help option to obtain additional information about the deinstallation tool options.

Location of Log Files for the Deinstallation Tool

If you use the deinstall.bat command located in an Oracle home, then the deinstallation tool writes log files in the C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs directory.

If you are using the deinstall.bat command to remove the last Oracle home installed on the server, then the log files are written to the current user’s home directory. For example, if you are logged in as the domain user RACDBA\dba1, then the log files are stored in the directory C:\Users\dba1.RACDBA\logs.