B Upgrading Oracle Application Express within Oracle Database Express Edition

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) includes Oracle Application Express release 4.0. Oracle strongly recommended that you upgrade to the latest Oracle Application Express release to take advantage of the latest features. This section describes how to upgrade Oracle Application Express included with Oracle Database XE.


Upgrading Oracle Application Express does not change the Oracle Support policy for Oracle Database XE. Oracle Database XE is only supported on the Oracle OTN forums. Oracle Support will not answer questions about Oracle Application Express on Oracle Database XE.

B.1 Upgrading to the Latest Oracle Application Express Release

To upgrade to the latest Oracle Application Express release:

  1. Download the latest version of Oracle Application Express from the download page. See:

  2. Unzip downloaded zip file:

    • UNIX and Linux: $ unzip filename.zip

    • Windows: Double click filename.zip in Windows Explorer


    Keep the directory tree where you unzip the files short and not under directories that contain spaces. For example, within Windows unzip to C:\.
  3. Change your working directory to apex.

  4. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the Oracle Database XE where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role. For example:

    • On Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
    • On UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password


    Keep the directory tree where you unzip the files short and not under directories that contain spaces. For example, within Windows unzip to C:\.
  5. Install Oracle Application Express:

    @apexins.sql tablespace_apex tablespace_files tablespace_temp images


    • tablespace_apex is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express application user.

    • tablespace_files is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express files user.

    • tablespace_temp is the name of the temporary tablespace or tablespace group.

    • images is the virtual directory for Oracle Application Express images. To support future Oracle Application Express upgrades, define the virtual image directory as /i/.


    @apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
  6. Log back into SQL*Plus (as described in step 4) and load images:

    @apex_epg_config.sql APEX_HOME


    APEX_HOME is the directory you specified when unzipping the file. For example, on Windows C:\.
  7. Upgrade the Oracle Application Express password by running apxchpwd.sql:


    When prompted, enter a password for the ADMIN account.

  8. Navigate to the Oracle Application Express Administration Services application:

    1. In a Web browser, navigate to:



      hostname is the name of the system where Oracle XML DB Protocol server is installed.

      port is the port number assigned to HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol server. In a default installation, this number is 8080. If you are using the Oracle Database 12c multitenant architecture, then each pluggable database (PDB) will have a distinct port number.

      apex is the database access descriptor (DAD) defined in the configuration file.

    2. On the Sign In page:

      • Username - Enter admin.

      • Password - Enter the Oracle Application Express administrator account password you specified in step 7.

      • Click Sign In to Administration.

      Note that, depending on your setup, you might be required to change your password when you log in for the first time.

B.2 Understanding the Differences Between Later Oracle Application Express Releases

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition includes Oracle Application Express release 2.1. This section describes the differences between Oracle Application Express release 2.1 and later releases.

B.2.1 User Interface Differences

This section describes the differences between Oracle Application Express release 2.1 and later releases:

  • Login - When accessing an upgraded version of Oracle Application Express, the login page that prompts you for a workspace, username, and password. The previous version only prompts for a username and password. When you log in, your workspace is the same as your username.

  • Changing Password - Within Oracle Application Express, the change password function only changes your Oracle Application Express password, not your database password. Once you upgrade, your schema is associated with your workspace, but your database account is now separate. Note that if you create new database users, they will not automatically have access to Oracle Application Express.

  • Home Page - The Home page displays differently in newer versions of Oracle Application Express. As noted in "Database Management Differences," most database administration functions are not part of Oracle Application Express. The two exceptions are that the Database Monitor and About Database which are found under the Administration menu.

  • SQL Workshop - Object Browser and SQL are now part of the SQL Workshop.

  • Administration - Other Administration functions pertain mostly to the administration of the workspace, not the database.

B.2.2 Database Management Differences

Once you upgrade Oracle Application Express within your Oracle Database XE, you lose an Oracle Application Express interface that enabled you to manage some database management functions, including the ability to create and alter users, set database parameters, and so. Most of these functions previously existed within the Oracle Database XE interface under Home, Administration.

To perform these functions when using later versions of Oracle Application Express, you must execute an alternate SQL statement when connected to Oracle Database XE in either a SQL Worksheet of SQL Developer or in SQL*Plus. Note that most of these commands must be executed as the user SYS.

The following database management functions that are no longer supported in later versions of Oracle Application Express:

  • Change My Password

    • Function: Changes your database user password. Once you upgrade, your database account is associated with an Oracle Application Express account but the passwords are separate. A change to one account does not affect the other.

    • Location: Under Tasks, Database Users.

    • SQL Statement:

      alter user username identified by new_password;

    Within SQL Developer, right-click a user under Other Users, select Edit User, and use New Password and Confirm Password.

  • Manage HTTP Access

    • Location: Under Tasks.

    • SQL Statement:

      To set HTTP Access to Local only:

      exec dbms_xdb.setlistenerlocalaccess
      (l_access => TRUE);

      To set HTTP Access to support remote connects:

      exec dbms_xdb.setlistenerlocalaccess
      (l_access => FALSE);
  • Usage Monitor

    • Location: LOC.

    • Function: Changes your database user password. Once you upgrade, your database account is associated with your Oracle Application Express account but the passwords are separate. A change to one does not affect the other.

    • SQL Statement:

      To set HTTP Access to Local only:

      select nvl(b.tablespace_name,
      kbytes_alloc kbytes,
      kbytes_alloc)*200) used_chart,
      '999G999G999G999G999G999G990D00') ||'%' used,
      from ( select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 Kbytes_free,
              max(bytes)/1024/1024 largest,
      from sys.dba_free_space
      group by tablespace_name ) a,
      ( select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
              tablespace_name, count(*) data_files
      from sys.dba_data_files
      group by tablespace_name )b
      where a.tablespace_name (+) = b.tablespace_name


      You can access a Workspace Utilization report in Oracle Application Express release 3.0.1 by selecting Administration, Manage Services, Workspace Overview, Detailed Tablespace, Utilization Report.
  • View Logging Status

    • Location: Storage.

    • SQL Statement:

      select log_mode 
        from v$database;
  • Compact Storage

    • Location: Storage.

    • SQL Statement:

      exec dbms_space.database_level_shrink; 
  • Configure SGA

    • Location: Memory.

    • SQL Statement:

      alter system
             set sga_target = sga_target
  • Configure PGA

    • Location: Memory.

    • SQL Statement:

      alter system
             set pga_aggregate_target = pga_agg_target 
  • Create Database User

    • Location: Database Users.

    • SQL Statement:

      drop user username;

      Within SQL Developer, right-click a user under Other Users under your XE-SYS connection. Select edit user and select Account is Locked.

  • Drop Database User

    • Location: Database Users.

    • SQL Statement:

      drop user username;

      Within SQL Developer, you can also right-click the Other Users node under your XE connection and select Drop User.

  • Lock Database Account

    • Location: Database Users.

    • SQL Statement:

      alter user username account lock;

      Within SQL Developer, right-click a user under Other Users under your XE-SYS connection. Select edit user and select Account is Locked.

  • Unlock Database Account

    • Location: Database Users.

    • SQL Statement:

      alter user username account unlock;

      Within SQL Developer, right-click a user under Other Users under your XE-SYS connection. Select edit user and deselect Account is Locked.