Oracle ACFS Command-Line Utilities

This topic provides a summary of the Oracle ACFS command-line utilities.

Table 16-101 lists the Oracle ACFS command-line utilities with brief descriptions.

For information about running Oracle ACFS acfsutil commands, refer to About Using Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools.

Table 16-101 Summary of Oracle ACFS command-line utilities

Command Description

acfsutil accel replace

Replaces an existing accelerator volume with a new one.

acfsutil compat get

Displays the compatibility level of an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil compat set

Changes the compatibility level of an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil defrag dir

Defragments all the files in a specified directory.

acfsutil defrag file

Defragments the specified files.

acfsutil info file

Displays information for a file in an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil info fs

Displays detailed Oracle ACFS file system information.

acfsutil info id

Displays Oracle ACFS file system information for a specified file identifier and mount point.

acfsutil plugin disable

Disables the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure.

acfsutil plugin enable

Enables the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure.

acfsutil plugin info

Displays information about the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure.

acfsutil registry

Adds, deletes, or displays entries in the Oracle ACFS mount registry.

acfsutil rmfs

Removes an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil scrub

Checks for and reports any inconsistencies in the metadata or file data.

acfsutil size

Resizes an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil tune

Modifies or displays Oracle ACFS tunable parameters.

advmutil canonical

Displays the canonical name of an Oracle ADVM volume.

advmutil tune

Modifies or displays Oracle ADVM parameters.

advmutil volinfo

Displays information about Oracle ADVM volumes.

acfsutil accel replace


Replaces an existing accelerator volume with a new one.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil accel replace -h
acfsutil accel replace -a new_accel_volume primary_volume

acfsutil accel replace -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil accel replace command.

Table 16-102 Options for the acfsutil accel replace command

Option Description

—a new_accel_volume

Specifies the name of the new accelerator volume.


Specifies the name of the primary volume with which the Oracle ACFS file system is mounted.

This command allows an administrator to replace an existing accelerator volume with a new accelerator volume. The command is useful if the current accelerator volume is full and cannot be grown, or to migrate an accelerator to a faster volume.

The file system must be unmounted on all nodes to use this command. The new accelerator must be at least as large as the existing accelerator. If new accelerator volume is larger than the existing accelerator volume, then the administrator should run acfsutil resize -d new_accel_volume after the file system is remounted following the acfsutil accel replace operation to enable Oracle ACFS to utilize the entire space of the new accelerator volume.

You must be the root user or an Oracle ASM administrator user to run this command.

The following example shows the use of the acfsutil accel replace command.

Example 16-96 Using the acfsutil accel replace command

$ /sbin/acfsutil accel replace -a new_accelerator_volume my_primary_volume

acfsutil compat get


Displays the Oracle ACFS compatibility level for the file system and the COMPATIBLE.ADVM level for the disk group.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil compat get -h
acfsutil compat get mount_point

acfsutil compat get -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil compat get command.

Table 16-103 Options for the acfsutil compat get command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil compat get command displays the Oracle ACFS compatibility level for the file system that may have been set by the mkfs command or the acfsutil compat set command. acfsutil compat get also displays the COMPATIBLE.ADVM setting for the disk group, which is default compatibility level for the file system if not otherwise explicitly set. For information about Oracle ASM disk group compatibility attributes, see "Disk Group Compatibility".

The following example shows the use of the acfsutil compat get command.

Example 16-97 Using the acfsutil compat get command

$ /sbin/acfsutil compat get /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil compat set


Change the compatibility level of an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil compat set -h
acfsutil compat set -c release_version mount_point

acfsutil compat set -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil compat set command.

Table 16-104 Options for the acfsutil compat set command

Option Description

—c release_version

Specifies the release version for the Oracle ACFS file system determined by mount_point.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The value specified with the -c release_version option must be greater than or equal to the value of COMPATIBLE.ADVM for the disk group, and must be less than or equal to the running Oracle Grid infrastructure release version. If —c release_version is not specified, the value of COMPATIBLE.ADVM is used. After the compatibility is set, it cannot be downgraded. The —c release_version option can be used in situations where it is not possible, or desirable, to update COMPATIBLE.ADVM and COMPATIBLE.ASM for the disk group, but you want to use an Oracle ACFS feature that requires a compatibility increase. After the Oracle ACFS compatibility is updated, it is no longer possible to mount the file system with an older Oracle Grid infrastructure release. For information about Oracle ASM disk group compatibility attributes, see "Disk Group Compatibility".

The following example shows the use of the acfsutil compat set command.

Example 16-98 Using the acfsutil compat set command

$ /sbin/acfsutil compat set -c 12.2 /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil defrag dir


Defragments all the files in a specified directory.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil defrag dir -h
acfsutil defrag dir [-r] dir_path

acfsutil defrag dir -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-105 contains the options available with the acfsutil defrag dir command.

Table 16-105 Options for the acfsutil defrag dir command

Option Description


Specifies recursive defragment operation.


Specifies the directory where the files to be defragmented are located.

The acfsutil defrag dir command is used to defragment files in the specified subdirectory. The —r option is used to recursively defragment files in the subdirectories of the specified directory.

You must have write access to the files to be defragmented.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


Example 16-99 shows the use of the acfsutil defrag dir command.

Example 16-99 Using the acfsutil defrag dir command

$ /sbin/acfsutil defrag dir /acfsmounts/critical_apps/01jan1015

acfsutil defrag file


Defragments the specified files.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil defrag file -h
acfsutil defrag file [-i] file_path [file_path ... ]

acfsutil defrag file -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-106 contains the options available with the acfsutil defrag file command.

Table 16-106 Options for the acfsutil defrag file command

Option Description


Estimates the reduction in number of extents possible. Requires read access to the file.


Specifies the file to be defragmented.

The acfsutil defrag file command defragments files. The —i option displays the estimated reduction in the number of extents for the files to be defragmented.

You must have write access to the files to be defragmented.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


Example 16-100 shows the use of the acfsutil defrag file command.

Example 16-100 Using the acfsutil defrag file command

$ /sbin/acfsutil defrag file /acfsmounts/critical_apps/testfile

acfsutil info file


Displays information for a file in an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil info file -h
acfsutil info file [ [-d] [-o acfs_extent_offset] [-u] | [-c] ] path [path ... ]

acfsutil info file -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-107 contains the options available with the acfsutil info file command.

Table 16-107 Options for the acfsutil info file command

Option Description


Displays detailed extent information, from Oracle ACFS to the Oracle ASM devices in the disk group.

-o acfs_extent_offset

acfs_extent_offset — Filters the extent display to the Oracle ACFS file offset specified.


Display extent counts only.


Display extent usage information.


Specifies the full path name of a file.

The acfsutil info file command displays information about a file in an Oracle ACFS file system. The information includes the extent map which details the locations of the blocks comprising the file and the used versus allocated storage for a file. Tagging information is also displayed for a file.

The —u option adds an additional column to the standard acfsutil info file output indicating whether or not the extent is inherited between a snapshot parent and child. The -c option displays the total extent count and the number of primary and accelerator volume extent nodes, while omitting the details of each individual extent. The output from the —c option is useful when you want to display the number of extents, and when using an accelerator, to ensure that the metadata is situated on the accelerator volume.

You must have read access to the specified file to run acfsutil info file.


The following is an example of acfsutil info file.

Example 16-101 Using the acfsutil info file command

$ /sbin/acfsutil info file /usmmnt/.ACFS/snaps/s1/afile
    flags:        File
    inode:        18014398509482029
    owner:        root
    group:        root
    size:         13013  (  12.71 KB )
    allocated:    24576  (  24.00 KB )
    hardlinks:    1
    device index: 1
    major, minor: 202,64
    access time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
    modify time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
    change time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
        -offset ----length | -dev --------offset
              0      24576 |    1      142188544
         extent count: 1
         granularity level: -1

$ /sbin/acfsutil info file -c /usmmnt/.ACFS/snaps/s1/afile
    flags:        File
    inode:        18014398509482029
    owner:        root
    group:        root
    size:         13013  (  12.71 KB )
    allocated:    24576  (  24.00 KB )
    hardlinks:    1
    device index: 1
    major, minor: 202,64
    access time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
    modify time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
    change time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
         extent count: 1
         primary volume extent nodes:     0
         accelerator volume extent nodes: 0
         granularity level: -1

$ /sbin/acfsutil info file -u /usmmnt/.ACFS/snaps/s1/afile
    flags:        File
    inode:        18014398509482029
    owner:        root
    group:        root
    size:         13013  (  12.71 KB )
    allocated:    24576  (  24.00 KB )
    hardlinks:    1
    device index: 1
    major, minor: 202,64
    access time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
    modify time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
    change time:  Thu Jan  7 14:13:24 2016
        -offset ----length | -dev --------offset | inherited
              0      24576 |    1      142188544 | Yes
         extent count: 1
         added extent count: 0
         inherited extent count: 1
         granularity level: -1

acfsutil info fs


Displays detailed Oracle ACFS file system information.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil info fs -h
acfsutil info fs [-l] [{-o option_item | -s [interval[count][-d]] | -f [-v]}]

acfsutil info fs -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-108 contains the options available with the acfsutil info fs command.

Table 16-108 Options for the acfsutil info fs command

Option Description


Displays symbolic links for an Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point or displays symbolic links for all mounted Oracle ACFS file systems if a mount point is not specified.


Displays the specific file system option item from the following list:

  • allvolumes [mount_point | primary_volume_device | auxiliary_volume_device] — Lists all volumes that are associated with a file system.

  • autoresize — 1 if automatic resize is enabled, 0 if not.

  • autoresizeincrement — Lists the automatic resize increment for the file system.

  • autoresizemax — Lists the automatic resize maximum.

  • auxvolume {mount_point | primary_volume_device} — Lists the auxiliary volumes associated with the file system. Can be run against a mount point or device.

  • available - Length of time the file system has been available.

  • compatacfs — Lists the ACFS compatibility setting

  • compatadvm — Lists the ADVM compatibility setting.

  • diskgroup - Name of the disk group associated with path.

  • fetasize - File entry table size which is the amount of storage consumed by the on disk metadata for inodes.

  • freespace - Amount of free space available in the file system.

  • isadvm - 1 if an Oracle ADVM volume is present, 0 if not.

  • isauxvolume {volume_device} — 1 if a volume is an auxiliary volume or 0 if not. Must be run against a volume device.

  • isavailable - 1 if the file system is available, 0 if file system is not available.

  • iscompression — State of compression on the file system. 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled.

  • iscorrupt - 1 if the file system is corrupt, 0 if file system is not corrupt.

  • isencryption — State of encryption on the file system, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.

-o (continued)

  • ismountpoint - 1 if path is the mount point, 0 if path is not a mount point.

  • isreplprimary - 1 if primary file system, 0 if not.

  • isreplstandby - 1 if standby file system, 0 if not.

  • issecurity — State of security on the file system, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.

  • metablocksize — Size of metadata blocks on the file system.

  • mountpoints - Mount points associated with file systems.

  • primaryvolume - Path name of the device associated with file system.

  • redundancy - Type of redundancy used by the Oracle ADVM volume.

  • replication - 1 if file system has been initialized for replication as the primary or standby file system, 0 if not initialized for replication.

  • resizeincrement - Allocation unit size in bytes of the Oracle ADVM volume used by path.

  • stripewidth - Stripe width for the Oracle ADVM volume used by path.

  • stripecolumns - Stripe set columns for the Oracle ADVM volume used by path.

  • totalspace - Size of the file system.

  • volumes - Number of volumes associated with the file system.

-s [interval [count] [-d]]

Displays file system statistics.

The optional interval parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds between each report. The first report contains statistics for the time since the file system mount. Each subsequent report contains statistics collected during the interval since the previous report.

The optional count parameter can be specified with the interval parameter. If the count parameter is specified, the value of count determines the number of reports generated at interval seconds apart.

If the interval parameter is specified without the count parameter, the command generates reports continuously until you break out of the command with Ctrl+c.

The optional -d option displays more detailed statistical information.

-f [-v]

Displays file system fragmentation. The -v option displays additional fragmentation information.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted. Not a valid option for replication data.

acfsutil info fs displays information and statistics about Oracle ACFS file systems. If compression, encryption, security, or replication has been initiated on a file system, additional flags and status information are displayed.

The -o option_item option displays file system information for the option_item specified.

The -s option displays the amount and rate of change currently on a file system for the node that the command is run on.

With no option specified, the command displays file system information that includes the volume device name, the size of the file system, the amount of space available on the volume device, the file system mount time on this node, the state of the file system, the user specified block size, the number of Oracle ACFS snapshots, the space consumed by snapshots in the file system, and the optional name or volume label associated with the file system. The possible file system states are displayed in the flags line. These states include:

  • Offline indicates that the underlying devices are not accessible, possibly due to an Oracle ASM instance failure, disk group forced dismount, or an irrecoverable I/O error. The file system on this node can only be dismounted. All other attempts at access result in errors.

  • Available indicates that the file system is on line and operational.

  • Corrupt indicates that the file system should be checked and repaired at the earliest possible convenience to correct a detected inconsistency. For example, run the fsck command on Linux or the acfschkdsk command on Windows to check and repair the file system. Ensure that you run the command in repair mode to correct the problem. For more information, refer to "fsck" and "acfschkdsk".

When viewing space usage values with acfsutil info fs on Windows systems, the values may differ from sizes in Windows folders. The mechanism used by Folder Properties on Windows systems only accounts for files and should be considered an approximate value.

Any user can run acfsutil info fs.


The following are examples of the use of acfsutil info fs.

Example 16-102 displays information about an Oracle ACFS file system in a Linux environment.

Example 16-102 Using the acfsutil info fs command on Linux

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs
    ACFS Version:
    flags:        MountPoint,Available,Replication
    mount time:   Mon Oct 25 12:11:03 2010
    volumes:      1
    total size:   5368709120
    total free:   4144230400
    primary volume: /dev/asm/pvol-74
        flags:                 Primary,Available,ADVM
        on-disk version:       40.0
        allocation unit:       4096
        major, minor:          252, 37889
        size:                  5368709120
        free:                  4144230400
        ADVM diskgroup         REPLDG
        ADVM resize increment: 268435456
        ADVM redundancy:       unprotected
        ADVM stripe columns:   4
        ADVM stripe width:     131072
    number of snapshots:  0
    snapshot space usage: 0
    replication status: primary

    ACFS Version:
    flags:        MountPoint,Available,Replication
    mount time:   Mon Oct 25 12:11:03 2010
    volumes:      1
    total size:   5368709120
    total free:   5263945728
    primary volume: /dev/asm/svol-74
        flags:                 Primary,Available,ADVM
        on-disk version:       40.0
        allocation unit:       4096
        major, minor:          252, 37890
        size:                  5368709120
        free:                  5263945728
        ADVM diskgroup         REPLDG
        ADVM resize increment: 268435456
        ADVM redundancy:       unprotected
        ADVM stripe columns:   4
        ADVM stripe width:     131072
    number of snapshots:  0
    snapshot space usage: 0
    replication status: standby

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -o mountpoints,replication

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -o mountpoints,isreplprimary

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -o mountpoints,isreplstandby

Example 16-103 illustrates the use of acfsutil info fs in a Windows environment.

Example 16-103 Using the acfsutil info fs command on Windows

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o freespace c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o totalspace c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o volumes c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o primaryvolume c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o diskgroup c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

C:\oracle>acfsutil info fs /o redundancy c:\oracle\acfsmounts\acfs1

Example 16-104 illustrates the use of acfsutil info fs with -s option to display the current amount and rate of change on a file system.

Example 16-104 Using the acfsutil info fs command with the -s option

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -s /acfsmounts/acfs1
    amount of change since mount:       359.22 MB
    average rate of change since mount: 3 KB

$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs -s 60 4 /acfsmounts/acfs1
    amount of change since mount:       359.22 MB
    average rate of change since mount: 3 KB/s

    amount of change: 15.02 MB   rate of change: 256 KB/s
    amount of change: 9.46 MB   rate of change: 161 KB/s
    amount of change: 7.32 MB   rate of change: 125 KB/s
    amount of change: 6.89 MB   rate of change: 117 KB/s

acfsutil info id


Displays Oracle ACFS file system information for a specified file identifier number and mount point.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil info id -h
acfsutil info id file_identifier mount_point

acfsutil info id -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-109 contains the options available with the acfsutil info id command.

Table 16-109 Options for the acfsutil info id command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies the Oracle ACFS file identifier number reported by the Oracle ACFS driver. The file identifier number should be specified in decimal format.

You can use acfsutil info id to translate an internal numeric Oracle ACFS file identifier to a path name in the file system. This is useful when the Oracle ACFS driver reports I/O errors to the system event logger associated with a particular file in an Oracle ACFS and identifies it by its internal identifier. You must have administrator privileges or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group to run acfsutil info id.


The following is an example of acfsutil info id.

Example 16-105 Using the acfsutil info id command

$ /sbin/acfsutil info id 117 /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil plugin disable


Disables the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure for an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil plugin disable -h
acfsutil plugin disable mount_point

acfsutil plugin disable -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-110 contains the options available with the acfsutil plugin disable command.

Table 16-110 Options for the acfsutil plugin disable command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil plugin disable disables the collection of Oracle ACFS plug-in metrics and the associated communication with a plug-in application.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


Example 16-106 shows the use of the acfsutil plugin disable command. After monitoring has completed for the Oracle ACFS file metric data for the file system mounted on the /humanresources, the command in Example 16-106 disables the subsequent collection of summary data in the Oracle ACFS driver.

Example 16-106 Disabling the Oracle ACFS driver

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin disable /humanresource

See Also:

acfsutil plugin enable


Enables the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure for an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil plugin enable -h
acfsutil plugin enable -m metrictype [-t tag, ...]
                       [-i interval[s|m]] mount_point

acfsutil plugin enable -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-111 contains the options available with the acfsutil plugin enable command.

Table 16-111 Options for the acfsutil plugin enable command

Option Description

-t tag, ...

An optional list of tag names selecting Oracle ACFS files that you want to be monitored. The maximum number of tags is 12. The names are separated by commas. The default is to monitor all files in the Oracle ACFS file system.

-m metrictype

Selects the message payload to be transmitted from Oracle ACFS to the plug-in module with each call-out message. Oracle ACFS provides the acfsmetric1 pre-defined metric type.

-i interval [s|m]

Selects posting message delivery and the posting interval. The Oracle ACFS plug-in mechanism posts a metrics message during each specified message interval.

An interval is the maximum amount of time which can pass before metrics are posted. The application blocks in the API call to retrieve metrics until a posting occurs.

The interval can be specified as an integer value in s seconds or m minutes. The default is minutes. The maximum value allowed for an interval is 60 minutes or 3600 seconds.

If an interval is specified, then Oracle ACFS is requested to post metrics messages to the plug-in application on an interval basis.

If an interval is not specified, then the application polls for metrics updates from the Oracle ACFS file system. This is the default action.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil plugin enable enables an Oracle ACFS file system for application plug-in service. Oracle ACFS plug-ins are enabled for single nodes only, either a standalone host or one or more individual nodes of a Grid Cluster. After enabled for plug-ins, the Oracle ACFS file system begins collecting metric information for either the set of specified tagged files or all files in the Oracle ACFS file system, and transmits callout messages to the plug-in application based upon the selected message payload and delivery parameters. Metrics are reset after every delivery to the application (whether through polling or posting).

In general, metrics are collected from the point of view of a user application. I/O for metadata or internal Oracle ACFS activities; such as snapshot copy-on-writing, encrypting, and replicating files; are not included. Metrics are collected for user I/O to both files in the original file system and snapshot files. Memory mapping of files that results in I/O operations is recorded in the metrics. Replication related files under the .ACFS/repl directory are not included in the metrics.

Oracle ACFS provides the acfsmetric1 pre-defined metric type.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


Example 16-107 shows the use of the acfsutil plugin enable command to provide additional storage usage metrics to a monitoring application.

Example 16-107 Enabling the Oracle ACFS driver for storage visibility: poll model

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin enable -m acfsmetric1 -t HRDATA /humanresource

An Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /humanresources is to be enabled for plug-in service and configured with the objective of providing additional storage usage metrics to a monitoring application. The message payload type is acfsmetric1, the files to be monitored are human resource files that have been tagged with the Oracle ACFS file tag HRDATA, and the message delivery type is poll which means that the application plug-in polls to request metric data update messages. No interval is specified with polled message delivery.

When the command in Example 16-107 completes, the Oracle ACFS file system mounted on the /humanresources mount point is enabled for plug-in communication and begins collecting Oracle ACFS file access metrics for files tagged with HRDATA. Oracle ACFS maintains metrics collecting a summary of read and write activity. Each time the associated application plug-in module polls for the metrics, Oracle ACFS sends a message with the data as defined in the ACFS_METRIC1 structure that is a summary of the selected Oracle ACFS activity since either the Oracle ACFS driver plug-in functionality was enabled or since the last delivery of metric data.

Example 16-108 shows the use of the acfsutil plugin enable command to monitor movie file updates.

Example 16-108 Enabling the Oracle ACFS driver for storage visibility: post on interval model

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin enable -m acfsmetric1 -t FILECONTENT -i 120s /moviemods

An Oracle ACFS file system mounted on /moviemods is enabled for plug-in service and is configured to record and deliver storage usage messages to a monitoring application. On an interval basis, the Oracle ACFS file system sends a wakeup on a driver event on which the application API call is waiting. The application then collects a summary of read and write activity on the files.

The message payload type is acfsmetric1 and the files to be monitored are movie files that have been tagged with the FILECONTENT tag. The message delivery type is post, which means that Oracle ACFS posts messages containing the metrics to the plug-in application for the specified interval of 120 seconds.

When the command in Example 16-108 completes, the Oracle ACFS file system mounted on the /moviemods mount point is enabled for plug-in communication and begins collecting Oracle ACFS storage visibility metrics for files tagged with FILECONTENT. On each interval, Oracle ACFS posts one or more messages to the application plug-in containing the storage visibility information.

See Also:

acfsutil plugin info


Displays information about the Oracle ACFS plug-in infrastructure for an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil plugin info -h
acfsutil plugin info mount_point

acfsutil plugin info -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-112 contains the options available with the acfsutil plugin info command.

Table 16-112 Options for the acfsutil plugin info command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

acfsutil plugin info displays information about the state of the Oracle ACFS plug-in mechanism.

Administrator privileges are required to use this command or you must be a member of the Oracle ASM administrator group.


Example 16-109 shows the use of the acfsutil plugin info command.

Example 16-109 Displaying information about the Oracle ACFS driver

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin info /humanresource

Plug-in status: ENABLED
Metric type: acfsmetric1
Enabled tags: HRDATA
Delivery method: Poll
Post interval (seconds): 

# /sbin/acfsutil plugin info /moviemods

Plug-in status: ENABLED
Metric type: acfsmetric1
Enabled tags: FILECONTENT
Delivery method: Post
Post interval (seconds): 120

See Also:

acfsutil registry


Adds, deletes, or displays entries in the Oracle ACFS mount registry.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil registry -h
acfsutil registry
acfsutil registry -a [-f] [-o moptions] [-n { nodes|all } ]
           [-u user] [-t description] device mount_point
acfsutil registry -c  {device | mount_point} [-o moptions]
           [-n { nodes|all } ] [-u user] [-t description]
acfsutil registry -d {device | mount_point}
acfsutil registry -l [device | mount_point]
acfsutil registry -m deviceacfsutil registry -r

acfsutil registry -h displays help text and exits.

If no options are specified, the command displays all the Oracle ACFS file systems that are configured for automatic start.

Table 16-113 contains the options available with the acfsutil registry command.

Table 16-113 Options for the acfsutil registry command

Option Description


Add the device, mount point, and associated moptions to the Oracle ACFS mount registry. The Oracle ADVM volume device specified must exist on the local node to add the information to the mount registry.

The arguments represent all the information needed to mount the file system. At Oracle ACFS startup time these file systems are automatically mounted.

Duplicate device entries are not allowed. Duplicate mount points are allowed but must be include the -n option for disjoint node-specific mounts.


Changes an existing registry entry for the specified device or mount point.


Deletes the specified device or mount point from the Oracle ACFS mount registry. If a mount point is specified and it is not unique in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, the command fails and you must run the command again specifying the device.


This option is used in combination with -a when the specified device might exist in the registry and the administrator wants to replace the registration.

-l [device | mount_point]

Without specifying a device or mount point, the -l option lists all the file systems currently in the registry on a single line, with fields separated by a colon (:). With a device specified, lists information about the device in the Oracle ACFS registry. With a mount point specified, lists information about the mount point in the Oracle ACFS registry.

-m device

Lists the registered mount point, if one exists, associated with the specified device. The mount point is only returned if the Oracle ACFS file system has been registered or has been previously mounted.

-n { nodes | all}

This option, used in combination with -a and -c, specifies an optional comma-delimited list of nodes, or the all keyword. This specifies which nodes should attempt to mount this device on the specified mount point. Host names should be specified. The all keyword is functionally equivalent to not specifying a list of nodes and indicates that the device should be mounted on all nodes. Mounting on all nodes is the default behavior.

-o moptions

Specifies the mount options for use when mounting the file system. Valid for Linux, Solaris, and AIX. Used in combination with -a and -c. For specific -o moptions, refer to the mount command for each operating system. All the options for each operating system are available except the all option.


Displays all registered file systems, not just file systems with auto_start=always.

-t description

Adds a description of the mount. Used in combination with -a and -c. For example: -t "HR Exports share". This description can be seen later when looking at configured resources.

-u user

Specifies a user that is allowed to mount or umount (start and stop) the file system. This option, used in combination with -a and -c, is useful for creating a registered file system that can be started or stopped by someone other than root.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies an Oracle ACFS device file that has been formatted.

acfsutil registry adds, deletes, or displays a file system from the Oracle ACFS persistent mount registry. The mount registry is a global registry that is used at Oracle ACFS startup on each node to mount all file systems specified in it. root or asmadmin privileges are required to modify the registry. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

Any user is allowed to display the contents of the registry. To mount all the file systems in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, use the platform specific mount command with the all option. This is done automatically at Oracle ACFS startup on each node.


Oracle ACFS registration (acfsutil registry) is not supported in an Oracle Restart (standalone) configuration, which is a single-instance (non-clustered) environment.

See "About the Oracle ACFS Mount Registry".


The following examples show the use of acfsutil registry. The first example shows how to add the volume device file and file system mount point to the registry. The second example shows how to list the registered mount point associated with the specified volume device file. The third example shows how to delete the specified volume device file from the registry.

Example 16-110 Using the acfsutil registry command

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -a /dev/asm/volume1-123 /acfsmounts/acfs1

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -m /dev/asm/volume1-123

$ /sbin/acfsutil registry -d /dev/asm/volume1-123

acfsutil rmfs


Removes an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil rmfs -h
acfsutil rmfs device
acfsutil rmfs device -b

acfsutil rmfs -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-114 contains the options available with the acfsutil rmfs command.

Table 16-114 Options for the acfsutil rmfs command

Option Description


Specifies an Oracle ACFS device file that has been formatted.


Specifies batch mode. No user interaction is required.

You can use acfsutil rmfs to remove an Oracle ACFS that is dismounted. When the command is run, the superblock of the file system is disabled. root or asmadmin privileges are required to run this command. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

After acfsutil rmfs runs successfully, the MOUNTPATH and USAGE columns in the V$ASM_VOLUME view are cleared for the device. The removed Oracle ACFS can be restored using fsck or acfschkdsk. The device can be reformatted with a new Oracle ACFS using the mkfs or acfsformat commands.


The following example shows the use of acfsutil rmfs to remove the specified volume device file and associated file system.

Example 16-111 Using the acfsutil rmfs command

$ /sbin/acfsutil rmfs /dev/asm/volume1-123

acfsutil scrub


Checks for and reports any inconsistencies in the metadata or file data.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil scrub [-h] [-n] [-m] [-q] [-e number] [-b ext1[,...]] [-z] [-a] [-p level] 
               [-t level] {file | directory}

acfsutil -h scrub displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil scrub command.

Table 16-115 Options for the acfsutil scrub command

Option Description


Specifies not to scrub the directory recursively.


Specifies to scrub the metadata only.


Specifies quiet mode. Only report inconsistencies to STDOUT.

-e number

Specifies the number of inconsistencies encountered before program terminates.

-b ext1,ext2, ...

Specifies not to scrub files with the specified extensions.


Specifies not to scrub the Oracle ACFS snapshot directory.


Specifies to scrub extensions skipped by default (.dbf, .arc).

-p level

Specifies I/O load level , from 0 (lowest) to 6 (highest).

-t level

Specifies trace level verbosity, from 0 (terse) to 6 (verbose).


Specifies the full path name of a file.


Specifies the full path name of a directory.

On Linux and AIX systems, the acfsutil scrub command checks the mirror consistency of Oracle ACFS directory metadata and file user data and metadata.

For paths with metadata inconsistencies, the scrubber displays the inconsistent path.

For file paths with user data inconsistencies, the scrubber provides the following information:

  • Pathname

  • Byte offset of inconsistency

  • Byte length of inconsistency

  • ADVM volume byte offset of inconsistency

You must have root privileges to run acfsutil scrub .


The following example illustrates the use of the acfsutil scrub command. The first command scrubs only the metadata of the specified file. The second command scrubs the specified directory and all nested files, except for snapshots, txt files, and pdf files. The third command scrubs the specified directory and all nested files with the power level set to 5 and trace level set to 3.

Example 16-112 Using the Oracle ACFS acfsutil scrub command

$ /sbin/acfsutil scrub -m /acfsmnt/textdoc1.txt

$ /sbin/acfsutil scrub -b txt,pdf -z /acfsmnt/dir1

$ /sbin/acfsutil scrub -p 5 -t 3 /acfsmnt/dir1

acfsutil size


Resizes an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil size -h
acfsutil size [ [+|-]n[K|M|G|T|P] ] [ -a n[K|M|G|T] ] [ -x n[K|M|G|T] ] [-d volume_device] mount_point

acfsutil size -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-116 contains the options available with the acfsutil size command.

Table 16-116 Options for the acfsutil size command

Option Description



Specifies the new size for the Oracle ACFS file system where n is a valid positive whole number greater than zero. The number can be preceded by a + or - to indicate the amount to add or decrease. If no operand exists, the new size is the absolute size.

Specifies that the integer supplied for size is in the units of K (Kilobytes), M (Megabytes), G (Gigabytes), T (Terabytes), or P (Petabytes). If the unit indicator is specified, then it must be appended to the integer. If omitted, the default unit is bytes.


Specifies the increment by which an automatic resize increases the file system when the amount of free space falls below the amount specified by the increment. A nonnegative numeric value must be provided, and may optionally be followed by K (Kilobytes), M (Megabytes), G (Gigabytes), or T (Terabytes) to specify a value in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes. If the unit is omitted, the default is bytes. A value of 0 disables automatic resize. The minimum allowed increment is 1G.


Specifies the maximum size to which a file system automatically resizes. A nonnegative numeric value must be provided, and may optionally be followed byK (Kilobytes), M (Megabytes), G (Gigabytes), or T (Terabytes) to specify a value in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes. If the unit is omitted, the default is bytes. If this value is less than the current size of the file system then no error is returned, but automatic resize does not take place until the file system is shrunk (by manual action of the system administrator) below this value. A value of 0 indicates that no maximum size is configured, so the file system may continue to automatic resize until the underlying volume is out of space.

—d volume_device

Resizes only the specified device.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted

At least one of the + or , —a, or —x options must be specified.

The size value is rounded up based on the block size of the file system and the allocation unit of the Oracle ADVM volume device file. To determine the Oracle ADVM volume device resize increment, examine the RESIZE_UNIT_MB field in the V$ASM_VOLUME view, Resize Unit in the output of asmcmd volinfo, or ADVM resize increment in the output of acfsutil info fs.

There is no limit to the number of times a file system can be expanded for a disk group with the ADVM compatibility attribute set to or higher.

For a disk group with the ADVM compatibility attribute set to less than, there is a limit of 5 extents for the file system's internal storage bitmap. This causes any attempts to increase the file system to fail after it has been increased four or more times. However, if after increasing the file system four times or more times the file system size is decreased, then you may be able to increase the file system size again if the size of the increase is less than the size of the decrease. When the limit on a file system expansion has been reached, running fsck or acfschkdsk with the -a option may consolidate the internal storage bitmap, allowing future file system expansion.


Oracle ACFS supports the shrinking of a file system, but just for those regions that only contain free blocks.

root or users who are members of the asmadmin group can run this command. For information about operating system group privileges, see "About Privileges for Oracle ASM".

Manual Resize Option

The + or - option grows or shrinks the mounted Oracle ACFS and its underlying Oracle ADVM storage to match the new size specified. This operation also resizes the underlying Oracle ADVM volume file to match the new length that is specified. However, the disk group must have enough free storage to accommodate any requested increase to the file system size.

Reducing a file system size returns unused storage space located at the end of the file system to the disk group. Shrinking in this release is intended for accidents when the wrong initial size or resize increment was specified, and before the storage was actually used. After storage has been used for user data or file system metadata, it may not be possible to shrink the file system, even if the files using that storage have been deleted.

Automatic Resize Option

The automatic resize option (-a option) specifies an increment by which an Oracle ACFS file system grows automatically if the amount of available free space in the file system falls below the amount specified by the increment. You can also specify the maximum size (-x option) allowed when using the automatic resize option. The output of the acfsutil info fs command displays the automatic resize increment and maximum amounts. If only the -x option is provided without the -a option (and no automatic resize increment has previously been specified) then a warning is issued if the increment is still zero. If the increment had previously been set by an earlier invocation of the command, then the command succeeds. Automatic resize requires ADVM compatibility attribute set to 12.2 or higher.

If an automatic resize fails on a node for any reason, automatic resizing on the node is temporarily disabled. An error message is written to the USM event log and the OKS log. Automatic resizing may still take place on another node; however, if the failure is due to the underlying volume being out of free space then all nodes quickly disable automatic resize. The file system does continue to periodically try to automatic resize, at increasingly longer intervals. After a resize succeeds, such as when more space is added to the underlying Oracle ASM disk group, then automatic resize becomes re-enabled on the node. Note that other nodes may remain in the error state even after one node successfully auto-resizes the file system. Automatic resize can be manually re-enabled by either re-mounting the file system or running the acfsutil size command again with the -a or -x option to update automatic resize settings. When a file system has grown to the maximum size specified with acfsutil size -x, automatic resize remains enabled but does not grow the file system any further until the maximum is increased.

The -d argument is not compatible with the -a and -x automatic resize arguments. Unless a volume device is specified with -d, it is assumed that the caller is specifying an amount of storage that applies to the primary volume, which represents the size of the file system. When growing a file system with an accelerator volume, the acfsutil size command determines if the accelerator size needs to be increased. If the accelerator must be larger and cannot be increased, the command fails and the primary volume remains at the same size. When shrinking a file system, only the primary volume is shrunk. If a volume device is specified with the -d option, then the size specified applies to either the primary volume or the accelerator volume, whichever is specified, and only that volume device is changed. The command warns the user if the resulting accelerator volume size is not large enough to accommodate the primary volume size.

When using an accelerator volume and automatic resize, the increment specified with the automatic resize -a argument applies to the primary volume; however, both the primary volume and the accelerator volume are monitored. Automatic resize grows the primary volume by the specified increment, or greater if needed. Automatic resize monitors and grows the accelerator volume as needed as well by smaller increments. When automatic resize needs to grow the primary volume, it first attempts to grow the accelerator if insufficient space remains on the accelerator to accommodate the new growth, and if that fails the primary volume remains at the same size.

In addition to being triggered because the free space falls below the configured automatic resize increment, an automatic resize also takes place under other conditions, such as:

  • If the free space in the file system falls below 10% of the current file system size or 5GB, whichever is smaller.

  • If a copy-on-write cannot find enough contiguous space in the file system to allocate new storage for the write.

  • If the defragger cannot find enough contiguous space to allocate in order to defragment 8M worth of extents in a file.

These conditions protect against a large file system having enough total free space so that an automatic resize appears unnecessary, but the space is so fragmented that applications cannot use it.

When a non-sparse file is resized so that it grows by more than the configured auto-resize interval, the file system automatic resizes by a multiple of the automatic resize increment so that the resize request can be satisfied.


The following example shows the use of acfsutil size. This example increases the primary device file of /acfsmounts/acfs1 file system by 500 MB.

Example 16-113 Using the acfsutil size command

$ /sbin/acfsutil size +500M /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil tune


The acfsutil tune command displays the value of a specific tunable parameter or all Oracle ACFS tunable parameters, or sets the value of a tunable parameter in a persistent manner on a particular node.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tune -h
acfsutil tune [tunable_name]
acfsutil tune tunable_name=value

acfsutil tune -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-117 contains the options available with the acfsutil tune command.

Table 16-117 Options for the acfsutil tune command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the tunable parameter.


Specifies the value for a tunable parameter.

The Oracle ACFS tunable parameter AcfsMaxOpenFiles limits the number of open Oracle ACFS files on Windows and AIX. Normally you do not have to change the value of this tunable parameter; however, you may want to consider increasing the value if you have a large working set of files in your Oracle ACFS file systems.

The Oracle ACFS tunable parameter AcfsMaxCachedFiles sets the maximum number of closed files that remain cached in memory on Windows and AIX. Normally you do not have to change value of this tunable parameter; however, you many to consider changing the value to get better performance.

Changing a tunable parameter has an immediate effect and persists across restarts. You must be a root user or the Windows Administrator to change the value of a tunable parameter.


The first command prints Oracle ACFS tunable parameters. The second command changes the value of a tunable parameter.

Example 16-114 Using the acfsutil tune command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tune

$ acfsutil tune AcfsMaxOpenFiles=50000

advmutil canonical


advmutil canonical displays the canonical name of the specified Oracle ADVM device name.

Syntax and Description

advmutil -h
advmutil canonical volume_device

advmutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-118 contains the options available with the advmutil canonical command.

Table 16-118 Options for the advmutil canonical command

Option Description


Specifies a string identifying an Oracle ADVM volume device.

There are several different formats that can identify an Oracle ADVM volume device, but a normalized, unambiguous (canonical) name should be used when the volume device name is used with other commands such as SRVCTL.

For example, on the Windows operating system you can use the following prefixes with a volume device name: \\.\, \??\, \\?\

The advmutil canonical command would return the canonical name that another utility would recognize without having to strip off extra characters. The command would most likely be used in a script.


The following examples show the use of advmutil canonical on a Windows operating system. For each example, the command returns the canonical name of the volume device.

Example 16-115 Using advmutil canonical

[C:\]advmutil canonical asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \\.\asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \\?\asm-volume1-274
[C:\]advmutil canonical \??\asm-volume1-274

advmutil tune


advmutil tune displays the value of a specific Oracle ADVM parameter or sets the value of a specific Oracle ADVM parameter.

Syntax and Description

advmutil -h
advmutil tune parameter [= value]

advmutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-119 contains the options available with the advmutil tune command.

Table 16-119 Options for the advmutil tune command

Option Description


Specifies the parameter for which you want to set or display the value.


Optional value provided to set the value of the specified parameter.

If a value is not provided, the advmutil tune command displays the value that is currently assigned to the specified parameter.

The parameter that can be specified with advmutil tune is the maximum time in minutes for the deadlock timer (deadlock_timer).

You must be a privileged user to set a parameter.


The deadlock_timer parameter should only be set by Oracle Support Services.


The first example changes the maximum time in minutes for the deadlock timer. The second example queries the current setting of a parameter.

Example 16-116 Using advmutil tune

$ /sbin/advmutil tune deadlock_timer = 20

$ /sbin/advmutil tune deadlock_timer
  deadlock_timer = 20 (0x14)

advmutil volinfo


advmutil volinfo displays information about Oracle ADVM volume devices.

Syntax and Description

advmutil -h
advmutil volinfo [-l][-L] [volume_device]

advmutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 16-120 contains the options available with the advmutil volinfo command.

Table 16-120 Options for the advmutil volinfo command

Option Description


Specifies an optional volume device name.


Separates the Oracle ADVM volume device information by field descriptions and colons on one line.


Separates the Oracle ADVM volume device information by spaces on one line.

advmutil volinfo displays information about Oracle ADVM volume devices in a list format by default. The -l option on Linux (/l on Windows) formats the display into a colon-separated string with field descriptions. The -L option on Linux (/L on Windows) formats the display into a space-separated string in a format suitable for scripting.


The first example displays information about an Oracle ADVM volume device, using the advmutil volinfo command with the volume device name. The second example displays information about the volume device using the -l option. The third example displays information about the volume device using the -L option.

Example 16-117 Using advmutil volinfo

$ /sbin/advmutil volinfo /dev/asm/volume1-123
Device : /dev/asm/volume1-228
Interface Version: 1
Size (MB): 256
Resize Increment (MB): 32
Redundancy: mirror
Stripe Columns: 4
Stripe Width (KB): 128
Disk Group: DATA
Volume: VOLUME1
Compatible.advm :

$ /sbin/advmutil volinfo -l /dev/asm/volume1-228
Device : /dev/asm/volume1-228 : Interface Version : 1 : Size (MB) : 256 : 
Resize Increment (MB) : 32 : Redundancy : mirror : Stripe Columns : 4 : 
Stripe Width (KB) : 128 : Disk Group : DATA : Volume : VOLUME1 : 
Compatible.advm :

$ /sbin/advmutil volinfo -L /dev/asm/volume1-228
/dev/asm/volume1-228  1  256 32  mirror  4  128  DATA  VOLUME1