Exploring an Example Stack

You can explore one of the example stacks available on GitHub by building the stack, then using Oracle Container Cloud Service to create and deploy it as a Docker container, and then accessing the application running inside the deployed container.

To explore a example stack:
  1. Go to the GitHub repository at https://github.com/oracle/docker-images/tree/master/ContainerCloud/.
  2. Decide which of the example stacks to explore and follow the instructions in the README file to build it.
  3. In Oracle Container Cloud Service Container Console, create a new stack based on the stack you’ve just built (see Creating a Stack).
  4. In Oracle Container Cloud Service Container Console, deploy the new stack (see Deploying a Stack).
  5. Assemble the URL to access the running stack and enter the URL in a browser (see Accessing an Application Running Inside a Deployed Container).