Review the Details of Your First Service Instance (old path)

After the service instance is created, use the following cURL command to view the service instance details. On the cURL command line, specify the user name and password for your Oracle Java Cloud Service account, and the identity domain ID.

Note: This topic is not relevant to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic. Instead, see Review the Details of Your First Service Instance (new path).

Sample cURL Command and Service Instance Details

curl -i -X GET -u yourUserName:yourPassword -H X-ID-TENANT-NAME:yourIdentityDomain https://rest_server_url/paas/service/jcs/api/v1.1/instances/yourIdentityDomain/MyFirstInstance

The command in the example uses the URL structure https://rest_server_url/resource-path, where rest_server_url is the REST server to contact for your identity domain (or Cloud Account). See Send Requests.

The following shows an example of the response document in JSON format. Your response output will differ depending on your Oracle Java Cloud Service release and environment, and the service instance configuration you created.

    "service_name" : "MyFirstInstance",
    "version" : "12cR3",
    "wlsVersion" : "",
    "status" : "Running",
    "error_status_desc": "",
    "compliance_status": "",
    "compliance_status_desc": "",
    "auto_update": "true",    
    "description" : "My first instance using the REST API.",
    "identity_domain" : "yourIdentityDomain",
    "creation_time": "Thu Jul 14 23:16:58 UTC 2016",
    "last_modified_time": "Thu Jul 14 23:16:56 UTC 2016",
    "created_by" : "yourUserName",
    "service_uri" : "https:\/\/rest_server_url\/paas\/service\/jcs\/api\/v1.1\/instances\/yourIdentityDomain\/MyFirstInstance",
    "domain_name" : "MyDomain",
    "domain_mode" : "PRODUCTION",
    "cluster_name" : "MyDomain_Cluster",
    "num_nodes" : 6,
    "level" : "PAAS",
    "subscription_type" : "HOURLY",
    "edition" : "SUITE",
    "shape" : "oc3",
    "otd_provisioned" : "yes",
    "otd_shape": "oc3",
    "otd_storage_size": 41984,
    "ocpu_count": x,
    "memory_size": xx,
    "storage_size": xxx, 
    "service_components": [
        "type": "WLS",
        "version": ""
        "type": "OTD",
        "version": ""
        "type": "OTD_JDK",
        "version": "1.7.0_xxx"
        "type": "JDK",
        "version": "1.7.0_xxx"
    "options": [{
        "type": "datagrid",
        "clusters": [{
            "clusterName": "ExampleDGCluster",
            "scalingUnitCount": 1,
            "scalingUnitName": "SMALL",
            "shape": "oc3",
            "vmCount": 3,
            "jvmCount": 1,
            "heapSize": "4608M",
            "maxScalingUnit": 10,
            "heapIncrements": "13824M",
            "primaryIncrements": "4608M",
            "totalHeap": "13824M",
            "totalPrimary": "4608M",
            "maxHeap": "138240M",
            "maxPrimary": "46080M",
            "scalingUnitInstances": [{
                "servers": [
                {"name": "MyFirstI_server_3_DG"},
                {"name": "MyFirstI_server_4_DG"},
                {"name": "MyFirstI_server_5_DG"}
            "scalingUnitInstanceId": 2,
            "status": "Ready"
    "creation_job_id" : "8466",
    "deletion_job_id": 0,
    "db_info" : "yourDBServiceInfo",
    "db_service_name": "yourDBServiceName",
    "db_service_uri": "https:\/\/rest_server_url\/paas\/service\/dbcs\/api\/v1.1\/instances\/yourIdentityDomain\/yourDBServiceName",
    "num_ip_reservations" : 6,
    "wls_admin_url" : "https:\/\/host_ip:7002\/console",
    "fmw_control_url" : "https:\/\/host_ip:7002\/em",
    "otd_admin_url" : "https:\/\/host_ip:8989",
    "sample_app_url": "https:\/\/host_ip\/sample-app\/",
    "content_url" : "http:\/\/host_ip",
    "secure_content_url" : "https:\/\/host_ip",
    "wls_deployment_channel_port": 9001,
    "psm_plugin_version": "17.x.x-xxx",
    "compute_site_name": "yourComputeSite",
    "db_associations": [
        "db_service_name": "yourDBServiceName",
        "db_infra": true,
        "db_app": false,
        "db_connect_string": "yourDBServiceInfo",
        "pdb_service_name": "PDB1",
        "db_version": "",
        "db_em_url": "https:\/\/host_ip:5500\/em",
        "db_apex_url": "https:\/\/host_ip\/apex\/pdb1\/",
        "db_monitor_url": "https:\/\/host_ip\/dbaas_monitor",
        "db_service_level": "PAAS"