Using the Welcome App

The Welcome app provides access to important supporting information and resources for your JCS-SaaS Extension implementation.

The Welcome app is the default application deployed on a JCS-SaaS Extension instance. There are two ways to access the Welcome app:

  • Link on the email you receive to confirm that you're ready
  • Link in the Infrastructure Classic Console

The Welcome app provides access to the following:

  • A link to the JCS-SX Administration Console

  • Documentation, tutorials and videos

  • The JCS-SaaS Extension SDK and CLI along with its documentation

  • Blogs covering JCS-SaaS Extension and other Oracle Cloud services

  • Frequently asked questions

The following table describes the content of each link target.

Link Description of target content

Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension Administration Console

This is a link to the new JCS-SaaS Extension Resource UI, where you can manage your instance.


This link forwards you to the Oracle Cloud Service Help Center for JCS-SaaS Extension. The Help Center provides access to the most current user assistance (UA) assets available for this service, including user procedures, SDK details, instructions for managing and monitoring instances, and extending SaaS applications by propagating user identity across application and the requisite platform services.

SDK Documentation

In addition to the documention available in Using the Command-Line Interface to Manage Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension, you can access online documentation for all SDK command-line tools by clicking SDK Documentation. This documentation is included with the SDK download and is installed in your [SDKHOME]/doc/ directory. The landing page is in index.html.

Download SDK

This link forwards you to the Oracle Cloud Downloads page, where you can download the JCS-SaaS Extension SDK. This SDK provides tools that help you manage service instances and develop applications for the Oracle for the service. These same tools can also be used in your development environment against a local WebLogic Server domain.

Related Links

These links point to additional UA assets:

  • Oracle by Example tutorials to assist in learning to use JCS-SaaS Extension.

  • Videos containing instructions and tips for using JCS-SaaS Extension.

  • Books related to JCS-SaaS Extension, downloadable in multiple formats, including HTML, PDF, and MOBI.


This link points to general, frequently asked questions about JCS-SaaS Extension, including how it differs from Java Cloud Service. The FAQ also contains information about other JCS-SaaS Extension and JCS features. Note that not all features supported by one service are supported by the other. This is a generalized product FAQ; you can find a more JCS-SaaS Extension usage-specific FAQ available in Frequently Asked Questions for Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension.