Description of the illustration resources_ex_overview.png

This is a screen capture the Express API Designer, which includes buttons called Save and Test as well as options to download the Express API RAML or view it. The Express API Designer has a set of options in its left navbar called General and Resources (selected here). The Resources tab has a button called New Resources. Below it, the tab lists the resources created for the API. The child resources are indented. In this illustration, one of the top-level resources, Opportunity, is selected. The Resource tab for Opportunity includes the Display Name, Name, and Description fields, which let you update these properties.

The Resource tab also includes an option called Include Resource Collection, which is selected here. As a result, the Methods section of the page includes the List and Create actions along with the other seeded actions, Find, Edit, and Delete. The Resource tab has sections called Child Resources, Reference Resource, and Parent Resource. There are Add functions for the child and reference resources. Because the selected resource is at the top level, there is no Add function for a parent resource. Instead, the screen displays “This is a top-level Resource.”