Java DB 10.11 Documentation Overview

Java DB is a relational database management system that is based on the Java programming language and SQL. Java DB is the Oracle release of the Apache Derby project, the Apache Software Foundation's (ASF) open source relational database project. For information about Derby, see

The Java DB product includes Derby without any modification whatsoever to the underlying source code. You can find Java DB in the db directory of your JDK installation.

Java DB is included in the Java Development Kit without the documentation that is included in a Derby installation. You can, however, find all of this documentation, in PDF and HTML format, on the Derby web site at

If you install the JDK Demos and Samples, you will have access to the Derby demos that are sometimes mentioned in the documentation. However, the demos are in a slightly different location in a JDK installation. The Derby documentation describes their location as follows:


You will find them in the following location:


The Derby documentation sets correspond to JDK versions as follows:

If you find an issue with the Derby documentation, you can provide feedback using the JIRA issue tracker for Derby. See for more information.