This illustration shows six types of charts available through the JavaFX SDK API. There are three rows of screen captures, each row contains two screen captures.

The left image in the first row demonstrates a bar chart, in which data items are grouped into the categories. The bars in each category are painted yellow, green, and blue respectively. The right image in the first row shows an area chart. There are yellow, green, and blue areas in this chart.

The left image in the second row shows a line chart. There are three lines painted yellow, blue, and green. The right image in the second row shows several ovals of different radii painted yellow and green.

The left image in the third row contains the following scattered symbols: yellow circles, green squares, light blue triangles, dark blue diamonds, and blue Xs. The right image in the third row shows a pie chart. The chart has five slices painted dark blue, yellow, green, light blue, and blue.