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Oracle® Java ME Embedded Reference Platform Release Notes (Qualcomm IoE)
Release 8


Oracle® Java ME Embedded

Reference Platform Release Notes (Qualcomm IoE)

Release 8


April 2014

Table of Contents


The Oracle Java ME Embedded release 8 software for the Qualcomm IoE development platform is a ready-to-run software image for use with a Qualcomm IoE board. The Oracle Java ME Embedded software is an optimized platform stack for small embedded devices, which includes the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) HotSpot Implementation (Java Virtual Machine) version 8, the Micro Edition Embedded Profile (MEEP) application environment, the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) API, and enhanced support for Java Specification Requests (JSRs).

What's Supported in This Release

The following features are supported in the Oracle Java ME Embedded release 8 software:

Usage Notes

The Oracle Java ME Embedded software for the Qualcomm IoE embedded platform consists of a binary file that must be downloaded to a board running the Brew MP operating system and a directory structure that must be copied to two directories on the board.

Getting Started Guide for the Reference Platform (Qualcomm IoE) describes how to download the binary file to the board, how to connect to the board from the development host computer, and how to install, run, and debug IMlets on the board.

Note the following important information before running the Oracle Java ME Embedded software on the board:

Access Points Support Specifics

The Qualcomm IoE board supports the following NetworkInterface types:

  • WiFi (type=WIFI, name=WiFi Interface)

  • 3GPP (type=3GPP, name=3GPP Interface)-

  • Loopback (type=LOOPBACK, name=Loopback Interface)

The Loopback network interface has only one preconfigured system access point named System_WiFi that is always in the active state.

  • Access points of the CDMA interface cannot be connected.

  • It is impossible to disconnect from a Loopback access point.

  • It is possible to create and delete access points from a Java application, connect to or disconnect from them except for the Loopback access point.

  • The value of the 3GPP apnoperator property is always unknown.

  • The value of the passwordsupplied property is always true for all network interfaces/access points, where applicable. The reason is that a password is always supplied for a system access point, but may be not used during the connection time. However, the shared code returns the value for this property based on whether or not the password is null.

  • Getting exceptions such as IOException or other types that relate specific network- related issues might indicate loss of the network connection. Therefore, applications must try to reconnect to a network access point.

System Events and Power Management Level of Support

Support for the system events and power management in this release includes the following events:

  • Event.VOICE_CALL

    • The value of the event is available through the EventManager.getCurrent() method and is delivered to the registered event listeners whenever the value changes.

      Note the use case: Insert a SIM card in the Qualcomm IoE board, make a call on the card's number, and hand up the call. This sends the value of the event to the registered event listeners.

  • PowerStateEvent.BATTERY_LEVEL

    • The value of the battery level is returned by both EventManager.getCurrent() and PowerManager.getBatteryLevel() methods

    • When an IoE board is powered by an on-board external battery, the returned value is the battery charge level. See Section 5.3.5, "Controlling the Power Supply", of the Qualcomm IoE Development Platform User Guide for the information about how to properly power up the board.

    • When an IoE board is powered through a DC jack, the returned value varies within the range of 67 and 69. The value is returned even if an external battery is plugged in because the same ADC call is used to check the battery and DC charging. The charge level of 67-69 means a full charge and is obtained from the hardware pin with no indication of the source (battery or DC charging) that contributed to this pin value.

    • Whenever the external battery level changes, the new value is delivered to all registered event listeners.

  • PowerStateEvent.POWER_ALERT including the following alerts (in the case of sending a notification) and values (when the EventManager.getCurrent() method is called):

    • The PowerStateEvent.POWER_ALERT_BATTERY_NORMAL alert is sometimes sent when the level is less than 5%.

    • The PowerStateEvent.POWER_ALERT_BATTERY_LOW alert is generated when the level is less than 5%.

    • The PowerStateEvent.POWER_ALERT_BATTERY_CRITICAL alert is generated when the level is close to 1%.

  • PowerStateEvent.POWER_STATE

    The list of supported power states:

    • PowerStateEvent.POWER_STATE_FULL_POWER (the default)

    • PowerStateEvent.POWER_STATE_OFF (shuts down only Java applications rather than the whole device)


    Switching to unsupported states throws exceptions.

  • The PowerManager's implementation has the following specifics:

    • getBatteryLevel() is fully supported. See the PowerStateEvent.BATTERY_LEVEL description.

    • enableRadio() is not supported and returns true.

    • isUsingExternalPower() returns true even when the board is powered by the external battery and there is no DC source.

    • getEstimatedTimeRemaining() always returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.

    • setPowerState()/getPowerState(): The only supported states are PowerStateEvent.POWER_STATE_FULL_POWER and PowerStateEvent.POWER_STATE_OFF.

    • rebootDevice() is fully supported. The type of reboot (hard or soft) is controlled with the vmconfig.reboot_type property.

MEEP Cellular API Specifics

Note the following limitations:

  • Only 3GPP networks and subscribers are supported. The Subscriber.getSubscriberType() and CellularNetwork.getType() methods always return 3GPP.

  • The current implementation supports devices with one SIM/R-UIM card; only one subscriber is available with slot 1.

  • The cellular network protocol property cannot be retrieved from the platform. The returned value is always GPRS.

  • A subscriber's phone number cannot be retrieved from the platform. The returned value is always 1234567890.

  • The cellular network cell cid property cannot be retrieved from the platform. The returned value is always 0.

  • Subscriber uuid property cannot be retrieved from the platform. The returned value is always 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.

  • Subscriber iccid property not supported. The returned value is always 8900000000000000000.

  • Subscriber euimid property is not supported.

Installation and Runtime Security Guidelines

The Oracle Java ME Embedded release 8 software installation requires an execution model that makes certain networked resources available for device emulator execution. These required resources might include, but are not limited to, a variety of communication capabilities between the product's installed components.

It is important to note that the product's installation and runtime system is fundamentally a developer system that is not specifically designed to guard against malicious attacks from outside intruders. Given this, the product's architecture can present an insecure operating environment to the installation file system itself, and its runtime environment, during execution. For this reason, it is critically important to observe the precautions outlined in the following security guidelines when you install and run the software.


The security-related functionality of a final developed application for release into the field is supported by the available components of the Oracle Java ME Embedded software stack incorporated by the developer into the application. The security precautions required by applications in the field are beyond the scope of these recommendations, but must be observed by the application developer.

To maintain optimum network security, the software package can be installed and run in a closed network operating environment; the software system is not connected directly to the Internet or to a company intranet environment that could introduce unwanted exposure to malicious intrusion. This is the ideal secure operating environment whenever the application under development does not require an Internet connection.

An example of a requirement for an Internet connection is when the system must communicate with a wireless network over the Internet to fully execute the application under development. Whether or not an Internet connection is required depends on the particular Java ME application running in the development environment. For example, some Java ME applications can use an HTTP connection. If the environment is open to network access, you must observe the following precautions to protect valuable resources from malicious intrusion:

Security Certificate Precautions

The Oracle Java ME Embedded software distribution bundle contains security certificates that are needed for testing during development of products for final release to customers. Some of these certificates are self-signed security certificates generated by Oracle that are mapped to privileged security domains. IMlets signed by these certificates get high privileges to access restricted APIs; these certificates present a security vulnerability if they are released to end users on a customer's device. You must remove these certificates after final testing of the product is completed, when the product is being prepared for release to end users. You do not need to certificates issued by universally recognized certificate authorities (CAs), because these certificates are used only for signature verification, and they do not present a vulnerability.

Developer Agent Precautions

The CLI is incorporated in the Development Agent program, which communicates with a device through an unsecured protocol. The Developer Agent is a Java SE application that can be reverse engineered to tamper with or to get information about the communication protocol, which might be used by an untrusted entity to manipulate the device. If you decide to implement the Developer Agent in a product deployment, it is your responsibility to incorporate adequate security measures around the Developer Agent communication channel.

Known Bugs

For generic bugs in this release of the Oracle Java ME SDK that might affect the Qualcomm IoE platform, see Oracle Java ME Software Development Kit Release Notes.

The following are known bugs in this release of the Oracle Java ME Embedded software:

Product Documentation

The following documentation is included with this release of the Oracle Java ME Embedded software. See

Application Title Format

All (this document)

Release Notes



Introduction to running Oracle Java ME Embedded on the Qualcomm IoE reference platform.

Getting Started Guide for the Reference Platform (Qualcomm IoE)



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Oracle Java ME Embedded Reference Platform Release Notes (Qualcomm IoE), Release 8


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