A ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Board Peripheral List

This appendix describes the proper ID and names for the various peripheral ports and buses for the ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL embedded board, which are accessible using the Device Access APIs. Note that any IMlet that accesses the Device Access APIs must be digitally signed using a trusted certificate authority. An IMlet that is not signed will encounter an authentication error when attempting to access the Device Access APIs.

Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

The following ADC channels are pre-configured.

DAAPI Peripheral ID DAAPI Peripheral Name Mapped To Configuration




controllerNumber = 2

channelNumber = 8

resolution = 12

samplingInterval = 46857

samplingTime = 46857

Additional notes:

  • Potentiometer (RV1) is connected to ADC3 channel 8 via GPIO PF10

  • For the sampling interval, only a limited set of values are supported: 11810, 14857, or 46857 usec. Setting the sampling interval to any other value will force it to be reset to the closest legal value.

  • After a call to ADCChannel.startMonitoring(), a MonitoringListener cannot be called more than one time around the boundary because of jitter.

  • Note the following conditions on ADCChannelConfig parameters: the resolution is a 12-bit fixed value regardless of the input parameter, and the sampling interval and the sampling time are the same internally. PERIPHERAL_CONFIG_DEFAULT is supported, and the default value is 46857 usec.


The following GPIO pins are pre-configured:

DAAPI Peripheral ID DAAPI Peripheral Name Mapped To Configuration



Green LED (R192)

controllerNumber = 6

pinNumber = 6

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY


trigger = GPIOPinConfig.TRIGGER_NONE

initValue = false



Orange LED (R191)

controllerNumber = 6

pinNumber = 7

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY


trigger = GPIOPinConfig.TRIGGER_NONE

initValue = false



Red LED (R190)

controllerNumber = 6

pinNumber = 10

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY


trigger = GPIOPinConfig.TRIGGER_NONE

initValue = false



Blue LED (R189)

controllerNumber = 6

pinNumber = 12

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY


trigger = GPIOPinConfig.TRIGGER_NONE

initValue = false



Wake up Button (B2)

controllerNumber = 0

pinNumber = 0

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_INPUT_ONLY



initValue = ignored



Tamper/Key (B3)

controllerNumber = 2

pinNumber = 13

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_INPUT_ONLY



initValue = ignored



Interrupt pin for on-board STMPE1600

controllerNumber = 8

pinNumber = 8

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_INPUT_ONLY




The information in this appendix is presented in addition to the board schematics provided by the manufacturer. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's documentation for all of the GPIO pins. Failure to do so can result in damaged peripherals or even a damaged embedded board.

Additional notes:

  • If the controllerNumber is set as GPIOPinConfig.DEFAULT, it is interpreted as 6. The pinNumber in this case is 6 as well, this a GPIOPin connected to the Green LED will be opened by default.

  • If the mode is set as GPIOPinConfig.DEFAULT and direction is set as INPUT then the default mode is interpreted as MODE_INPUT_PULL_DOWN. If the direction is set as OUTPUT, then the default mode is interpreted as MODE_OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN.

  • The following GPIO pins cannot be opened because they are mapped to other resources. For more information, refer to evaluation board schematics from ST Micro.

    • SPI bus: PF9, PF8, PF7, PF6

    • ADC: PF10

    • UART: PA9, PA10

    • SDHC: PC8, PC9, PC10, PC11, PD2

    • I2C: PB6, PB9

    • Ethenet: PC3, PG13, PG14, PC2, PB8, PG11, PA1, PC4, PC5, PH6, PH7, PA7, PB10, PA3

    • JTAG/SWO: PA13, PA14

    • USB (OTG-HS): PB0, PB1, PB5, PB10 ~ PB13, PA3, PI11

    • LCD: PJ0 ~ PJ15, PK0~PK15, PI12~PI15

    • FMC: PF0 ~ PF5, PF11 ~ PF15, PG0 ~PG5, PH8~PH15, PI0~PI3, PI9, PE0, PE1

    • SDRAM: PH5, PG15, PF11, PH3, PH2, PG8

  • Onboard LEDs are connected with their anodes to 3v3. To turn them on, set the pin to false.

GPIO Ports

The following GPIO ports are pre-configured:

DAAPI Peripheral ID DAAPI Peripheral Name Mapped To Configuration



Green LED, Orange LED, Red LED, Blue RED

direction = GPIOPinConfig.DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY

initValue = 0

For each pin information are same as the GPIO Pins section above.

Additional notes:

  • The following GPIO ports are supported: PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PI, PK

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

The following I2C devices are pre-configured:

DAAPI Peripheral ID DAAPI Peripheral Name Mapped To Configuration



On-board IO Expander, STMPE1600QTR. (Using this IO Expander, the on-board Joystick can be accessed indirectly)

controllerNumber = 1

address = 66

addressSize = 7

clockFrequency = 100000

The following additional hardware information is applicable for I2C devices:

  • The CMSIS I2C driver on this board only supports the following two types of clock frequencies: 100kHz (ARM_I2C_BUS_SPEED_STANDARD), and 400kHz (ARM_I2C_BUS_SPEED_FAST).

  • I2C1 controller information: I2C1_SCL maps to PB6, and I2C1_SDA maps to PB9. The address capability is 7-bit only, the addresses used are 0x32 (on-board Audio) and 0x42 (on-board IO Expander), and the clock frequency is either 100 KHz (standard speed) or 400 KHz (fast speed).

The following additional information is applicable for I2C devices on the board itself:

  • For the IO Expander: the device is STMPE1600, which is a GPIO port expander that is able to interface a main digital ASIC(MCU) via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C). The connected MCU's I2C Controller is: I2C1; applicable pins are I2C1_SCL : PB6, I2C1_SDA : PB9, and IO_EXPANDER_INT : PI8 (the IO Expander interrupt pin is connected to the MCU). The clock frequency may be between: 0 and 400 kHz.

  • Joystick: Remember that the pins are not connected to MCU, but are instead connected to the IO Expander. By reading and writing the registers of the IO Expander, the joystick status can be monitored. Out of 16 pins of IO Expander, the following 5 pins are connected to the joystick: EXP_IO14: SELECT; EXP_IO13: DOWN; EXP_IO12: LEFT; EXP_IO11: RIGHT; EXP_IO10: UP.


SPI is currently supported, however there are no pre-configured SPI devices on the board. However, the board is able to connect an external module to the pinout on the board as a ad-hoc device, as follows.

  • SPI5 is the only connection supported, so the controllerNumber should be 5. This is default value. Use the following SPI pins: MOSI: PF9; MOSI: PF8; CLK: PF7; CS: PF6.

  • CS is available only as 'active low'

  • According to the ST Micro documentation, SPI5 can communicate at up to 45 Mbits/s.

  • The following are default parameters:

    • controllerNumber : 5

    • address: 0

    • clockFrequency : 10000000 (10 MHz)

    • wordLength : 8 bits

    • bitOrdering : Big Endian

    • csActive : ACTIVE_LOW

    • clockMode : CPOL-High , CPHA-Even


The following UART devices are pre-configured:

DAAPI Peripheral ID DAAPI Peripheral Name Mapped To Configuration



Onboard USART1 connector (CN8)

controllerName = USART1

baudRate = 115200

parity = 0

dataBits = 8

stopBits = 1

flowControl = 0

Note the following.

  • Supported UART: USART1 at onboard hardware connector CN8.

  • Hardware setting: jumper JP7 should be set to 1-2 (default setting)

  • Supported parity: none, even and odd. mark and space are not supported

  • Supported databit: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

  • Supported stopbit: 1, 1_5 and 2

  • Hardware flow control is not supported

  • Log channel note: UART logging is disabled by default. If the internal property log.method is set to UART, then USART1 is dedicated to logging and you cannot use USART1 as the Device I/O UART

  • The following are default parameters:

    • baudrate: 115200

    • parity: none

    • databit: 8

    • stopbit: 1

    • flow control: none


The following watchdog devices are pre-configured:

DAAPI Peripheral ID DAAPI Peripheral Name Mapped To Configuration



Platform Watchdog


  • Note that the platform watchdog is not a DIO watchdog for Java application. Instead, it's the platform's general watchdog.

  • The system.watchdog property must be enabled. This is an internal property for platform watchdog in the jwc_prop.ini file. Note that the default value is false.

  • The timeout value is 4 seconds, which means the device will reboot if it is frozen for more than 4 seconds.