Oracle Java ME Embedded


Interfaces and classes for performing memory-mapped I/O.

See: Description

Package Description

Interfaces and classes for performing memory-mapped I/O.

Memory mapped I/O is typically used for controlling hardware peripherals by reading from and writing to registers or memory blocks of the hardware mapped to the system memory. The MMIO APIs allows for low level control over the peripheral.

In order to access a specific memory block a device has been mapped to, an application should first open and obtain an MMIODevice instance for the memory-mapped I/O device the application wants to control and access, using its numerical ID, name, type (interface) and/or properties:

Using its ID
 MMIODevice device = (MMIODevice);
Using its name and interface
 MMIODevice device = (MMIODevice)"RTC", MMIODevice.class, null);
Once the peripheral opened, the application can retrieve registers using methods of the MMIODevice interface such as the MMIODevice.getByteRegister(String) methods.
 RawByte seconds = (RawByte) device.getByteRegister("Seconds");
When done, the application should call the Peripheral.close() method to release MMIO device.
The following sample codes give examples of using the MMIO API to communicate Real Time Clock device:
 static final int INTERRUPT = 0;
 MMIODevice rtc = null;
 try {
     rtc = (MMIODevice)"RTC", MMIODevice.class, (String[]) null);
     //The RTC device has 14 bytes of clock and control registers and 50 bytes
     // of general purpose RAM (see the data sheet of the HITACHI HD146818 Real Time Clock).
     RawByte seconds = rtc.getByteRegister("Seconds");
     RawByte secAlarm = rtc.getByteRegister("SecAlarm");
     RawByte minutes = rtc.getByteRegister("Minutes");
     RawByte minAlarm = rtc.getByteRegister("MinAlarm");
     RawByte hours = rtc.getByteRegister("Hours");
     RawByte hrAlarm = rtc.getByteRegister("HrAlarm");
     ... // More registers
     RawByte registerA = rtc.getByteRegister("RegisterA");
     RawByte registerB = rtc.getByteRegister("RegisterB");
     RawByte registerC = rtc.getByteRegister("RegisterC");
     RawByte registerD = rtc.getByteRegister("RegisterD");
     RawBlock userRAM = rtc.getBlock("UserRam");
 } catch (PeripheralException pe) {
 } catch (IOException ioe) {
 } finally {
     if (rtc != null) {
         try {
         } catch (IOException ex) {
 // Sets the daily alarm for after some delay
 public void setAlarm(byte delaySeconds, byte delayMinutes, byte delayHours) throws IOException, PeripheralException {
     MMIODevice rtc = (MMIODevice)"RTC", MMIODevice.class, (String[]) null);
     RawByte seconds = rtc.getByteRegister("Seconds");
     RawByte secAlarm = rtc.getByteRegister("SecAlarm");
     RawByte minutes = rtc.getByteRegister("Minutes");
     RawByte minAlarm = rtc.getByteRegister("MinAlarm");
     RawByte hours = rtc.getByteRegister("Hours");
     RawByte hrAlarm = rtc.getByteRegister("HrAlarm");
     RawByte registerB = rtc.getByteRegister("RegisterB");
     // Directly read from/write to the registers using RawByte instances.
     byte currentSeconds = seconds.get();
     byte currentMinutes = minutes.get();
     byte currentHours = hours.get();
     int i = (currentSeconds + delaySeconds) % 60;
     int j = (currentSeconds + delaySeconds) / 60;
     secAlarm.set((byte) i);
     i = (currentMinutes + delayMinutes + j) % 60;
     j = (currentMinutes + delayMinutes + j) / 60;
     minAlarm.set((byte) i);
     i = (currentHours + delayHours + j) % 24;
     hrAlarm.set((byte) i);
     rtc.setMMIOEventListener(INTERRUPT, new MMIOEventListener() {
         public void eventDispatched(MMIOEvent event) {
             try {
                 MMIODevice rtc = (MMIODevice) event.getPeripheral();
                 RawByte registerC = rtc.getByteRegister("RegisterC");
                 // Check the Alarm Interrupt Flag (AF)
                 if ((registerC.get() & 0X20) != 0) {
                     // Notify application of alarm
             } catch (IOException ex) {
             } catch (PeripheralNotAvailableException ex) {
     // Set the Alarm Interrupt Enabled (AIE) flag
     registerB.set((byte) (registerB.get() | 0X20));
Alternatively, in this example, the value of RegisterC could be automatically captured upon occurrence of an interrupt request from the Real Time Clock device as follows:
 rtc.setMMIOEventListener(INTERRUPT, "RegisterC", new MMIOEventListener() {
     public void eventDispatched(MMIOEvent event) {
         byte v = (byte) event.getCapturedRegisterValue();
         // Check the Alarm Interrupt Flag (AF)
         if ((v & 0X20) != 0) {
             // Notify application of alarm


MMIO devices are opened by invoking one of the methods. The "" permission allows access to be granted to MMIO devices as a whole.
Oracle Java ME Embedded

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