Release Notes

Java™ Platform Micro Edition Software Development Kit

Version 3.0

April 2009


Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. System Requirements
3. Installation Instructions
4. Known Issues
5. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Overview

The Java™ ME Platform SDK is the first development toolbox to combine support for the following Java mobile platforms:


1.1 Features in this Release

Java ME SDK 3.0  Release is a software development kit (SDK). Several components comprise the Java ME SDK:

To install all the components in the SDK environment, see the Installation Guide.

This release has full integration with the Netbeans 6.5 IDE. You can develop an application in NetBeans and open the project in the SDK for on-device debugging and profiling. You can test using the SDK's emulator and the Windows Mobile emulator, and even connect a real device (running Windows Mobile) to your computer for on-device debugging with the Java ME SDK.


1.2 API Support

This release implements a set of standard APIs defined through the Java Community ProcessTM (JCPTM) program:

Javadoc™ documents for the JSRs followed by * are available in installdir/docs/api. You can access the rest at


2. System Requirements

This section lists minimum hardware and software requirements for installation on your PC. BD-J software requirements and the device environment requirements can be addressed as necessary after the installation.

Minimum Hardware
Required Software
BD-J Software - only required for BD-J development
Device Environment - only required for on-device test and debug


3. Installation Instructions

Follow these instructions to install the Java ME SDK.

  1. Verify that your system meets the preceding system requirements.
  2. Download Java ME Platform SDK 3.0.
  3. Double-click the executable file to start the installation, and follow the prompts.
  4. As the installation concludes, the Device Manager appears in the Windows system tray.
  5. To install CLDC emulation on a Windows Mobile Device or a Windows Mobile Emulator, see Java ME Platform SDK and Windows Mobile Integration [HTML] [PDF]
  6. To configure the BD-J environment, see "BD-J Support" in the online help.


4. Known Issues

4.1 Limitations in This Release


4.2 Known Problems

This is not an exhaustive list of known problems. It summarizes bugs that developers are most likely to encounter while using the toolkit.

ID Description
6780780 CDC applications can't be signed. See:
6750474 NetBeans doesn't detect the SDK CDC platform emulator. See
6737145 When you import a CDC project it looks for a legacy platform name that does not exist. To work around this problem, see the help topic "Create a Platform for Legacy CDC Projects". See
6748897 No way to set security domain for CDC projects.
6751506 Application Descriptor values are not saved in CDC projects. See
6752576 CDC project Build option Creating Jar panel displays an unnecessary field for JAD file name.
6775665 MMAPI-TCK: api/javaxmicoredition/media/Player/index.html#SetMediaTime returns incorrect media time. The emulator does not properly set the media time for MP3 media files in the REALIZED state, so LIME_MMAPI_PACKAGE > LIME_MMAPI_CLASS > getTime always returns 0.
6774093 PBP-TCK: api/java_awt/Graphics2D/index.html#GetComposite test fail in a distributed configuration
6750924 Changing the platform while creating a new project might result in a project that won't compile. For example, if you change the platform from MIDP to CDC then back to MIDP, resulting in a MIDP project with CDC library references (references are not saved). So if you revert to the first platform you must also reselect the device you chose for that platform. Note, the project doesn't always fail because some devices can support both MIDP and CDC.
6768918 CDC-TCK_112a: Three tests fail in a distributed configuration, returning java.lang.ClassNotFoundException (Class_Action and Class_Test). The tests are: api/java_security/AccessController/index.html#doPrivileged

These tests pass if they are run on a single local host using AgentMain (instead of CDCAgentMain).
6799012 If a host has Windows Fast User Switching enabled, users can switch to a different account without logging off. In this environment you must exit the Device Manager before switching. If you do not, the emulator can attach to a Device Manager session you cannot see or control.
6808681 Application Descriptor custom attributes "disappear" from the project properties window, making you think the attribut was not defined. Although the values can't be seen, they are included in the Manifest file, as they should be. See
6821952 The proxy for the CDC emulator cannot be set in the user interface. It can be set from the command line as follows:
emulator.exe -Xdevice:devicename -Xmain:MAIN-CLASS-NAME -classpath CLASSPATH
6825321 If the SDK is running and you exit the device manager certain tools such as the WMA console and the Network Monitor do not work properly. If you exit the device manager you should restart the SDK.
6823628 Pressing F1 for help in the device properties window results in a null pointer exception. See

5. Frequently Asked Questions

For answers to common questions, see the FAQ.

To comment on this release, please submit your feedback at: