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JavaTest Harness Architect's Guide,
JavaTest Harness 4.4.1 for the Java Platform
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8 The TestSuite Object

The JavaTest harness uses the TestSuite object as a portal to information about the test suite; whenever the JavaTest harness requires information about the test suite, it queries the TestSuite object. JavaTest reads the testsuite.jtt file to determine the class name and class path for the test suite; JavaTest then uses those properties to instantiate the TestSuite object. By default, the TestSuite object also gets a number of other standard properties from the testsuite.jtt file. As test suite architect, you create and maintain your TestSuite class and the testsuite.jtt file.

The testsuite.jtt File

The testsuite.jtt file is located in the top-level directory of the test suite and is a registry of information about the test suite that includes the paths to various JavaTest components as well as other static information about the test suite. The testsuite.jtt file generally contains at least two entries that tell the JavaTest harness how to start the TestSuite class:

The testsuite.jtt file usually contains other entries that specify information about the test suite; the JavaTest harness reads the file and passes the information to the TestSuite class when it starts. Table 8-1, "testsuite.jtt Properties" describes the standard properties used by the TestSuite and may be specified in the testsuite.jtt file:

Table 8-1 testsuite.jtt Properties

Property Description


An optional list of resource names that identify JavaHelp helpsets for documents to be added to the JavaTest Help menu. The content of the helpsets must be provided on the test suite classpath (see classpath above).

Example: additionalDocs=jck.hs releasenotes.hs


Extends the class path beyond javatest.jar. The class path is used to locate JavaTest plug-in classes (script, finder, interview) in JAR files, Zip files, or directories. You must separate entries with white space; relative paths are relative to the test suite root directory. If not given, classes must be located on the main JavaTest class path (not recommended). Always use "/" as the file separator.

Default: Nothing in addition to javatest.jar

Example: classpath=lib/jtdemotck.jar


A specialized entry to allow a legacy (prior to JavaTest version 3.0) test suite to override the values of $testSuiteRoot and $testSuiteRootDir that get set in the environment used to run tests. Most test suites should not need to set this property.


The name of the test finder class and arguments (if any). This property is used by the default implementation of TestSuite.createTestFinder to determine the test finder to be used to locate tests. This property should be of the form "classname args", where classname identifies the name of the test finder class itself; any arguments are passed to the test finder's init method.

Example: testsuite=com.sun.javatest.finder.TagTestFinder

The default implementation of TestSuite.createTestFinder uses the following logic to determine the test finder:

  • If a testsuite.jtd file is found in the test suite tests/ directory, or in the location specified in the testsuite.jtd entry of the testsuite.jtt file, the test finder is assumed to be com.sun.javatest.finder.BinaryTestFinder (which reads the testsuite.jtd file)

  • If a finder entry is found in the testsuite.jtt file, it is used to determine the test finder

  • If neither of the preceding are found, the default is to use com.sun.javatest.lib.HTMLTestFinder

See the description of the testsuite.jtd entry below.


A unique identifier composed of letters, digits, underscore, minus, and hyphen used to identify a specific version of a test suite. The JavaTest harness uses this property to ensure that component versions are compatible. By convention, the name is composed of the following parts: technologyNameTCK_version.

Example: id=DemoTCK_tags_1.0


The path to the exclude list shipped with the test suite. If the path is relative, it is evaluated relative to test suite root directory. Always use "/" as the file separator. The recommended location for this file is in the test suite lib/ directory.

Example: initial.jtx=lib/my_testsuite.jtx


The name of the interview class and arguments (if any). The default implementation of TestSuite.createInterview uses this property to determine the interview to use to obtain configuration information required to run the tests. The property should be of the form "classname args", where classname identifies the name of the interview class itself; any arguments are passed to the interview's init method.

Example: interview=com.sun.demotck.DemoInterview


The list of valid keywords for this test suite.

If the entry is present and contains a list of keywords, the keywords are added to the configuration editor keywords combo box.

If the entry is omitted, it is taken to mean "unspecified" — in which case the user can use the configuration editor to specify keywords, but the configuration editor keywords combo box is disabled.

If the entry is present but empty, it is taken to mean "none" — in which case the configuration editor does not present the keyword questions and tabs to the user.


Specifies the location (as a URL) where the latest exclude list can be obtained. The http: and file: protocols are supported; authentication access is not yet supported.

Example: latest.jtx=


Specifies the location on the class path of an image to be used as the test suite logo. The path is evaluated relative to the test suite root directory. This logo is displayed in the JavaTest Quick Start wizard.


The name of the test suite. This property is a string of up to 80 characters. By convention the name is composed of the following parts:

technology_name TCK version| Test Suite [(additional text)]

Example: name=DemoTCK 1.0 Test Suite (Tag Tests)


The name of the test script class and arguments (if any). This property is used by the default implementation of TestSuite.createScript to determine the script to run the tests. The value should be of the form "classname args", where classname identifies the name of the Script class itself; any arguments are passed to the Script's init method.

If this property is not specified, the default implementation of TestSuite.createScript reverts to the behavior defined for the JavaTest harness, version 2. Relying on this behavior is not recommended.

Example: script=com.sun.javatest.lib.StdTestScript


Enables service management for the test suite. See Chapter 13 for detailed information about the service management feature.


The number of tests in the test suite. This property gives the JavaTest GUI a hint as to how many tests are in the test suite.

Example: testCount=450


By default, the JavaTest harness looks for test source files and test descriptions in the tests/ directory in the test suite root directory. If you locate your test sources and test descriptions in a different directory, you must specify it using this property.

Example: tests=apitests


Optional class name for a custom TestSuite class. The value should be of the form "classname args", where classname identifies the name of the TestSuite class itself; any arguments are passed to the TestSuite init method. The TestSuite class is used to access virtually all information about the test suite. Defaults to com.sun.javatest.TestSuite, which provides default behavior in concert with the testsuite.jtt file.

Default: testsuite=com.sun.javatest.TestSuite


Can be used to override the default location of the BinaryTestFinder data file.

By default the TestSuite class looks for a file named testsuite.jtd in the directory specified by the "tests" property in testsuite.jtt. To override the default, specify the name and location of the BinaryTestFinder data file relative to the top-level directory of the product (location of the testsuite.jtt file).

Example: testsuite.jtd=tests/testsuite.jtd


Optional class name for a custom ContextManager class. The value should be of the form "classname", where class name identifies the name of the ContextManager class itself. The Test Manager (ExecTool) will query the test suite for this value as it builds the GUI. Defaults to com.sun.javatest.exec.ContextManager, which provides the default behavior of the harness. See Chapter 13 for more information on customization.

Default: tmcontext=com.sun.javatest.exec.ContextManager


The testsuite.jtt file is a Java property file and follows all the standard rules for Java property files defined in java.util.Properties.

The following example shows the testsuite.jtt file that is included with the tag example test suite.

# Test Suite properties file for DemoTCK test suite with 
# tag-style tests
name=DemoTCK 1.0 Test Suite (Tag Tests)

Overriding Default Methods

Although by default these properties are obtained from the testsuite.jtt file, you can override this behavior in your TestSuite class. By overriding the methods that get these properties, you can specify your own properties directly in the TestSuite class and/or manipulate the properties from testsuite.jtt as you wish. This is generally not necessary, but it is an option. Some reasons why you might choose to do this:

To customize the TestSuite class, you must extend the base com.sun.javatest.TestSuite class. For details about which methods you may choose to override, see the TestSuite API documentation.