C H A P T E R  20

Test Pack Versioning Alternative

You must specify a test pack’s version in either the testsuite.info TestSuiteVersion property (see Optional Properties) or in the TestSuiteVersion property in testpack.version.properties, located in the same directory as testsuite.info. The sample and production test packs specify their versions in testpack.version.properties files.

Note - If you choose the testpack.version.properties alternative, do not specify TestSuiteVersion in testsuite.info because it takes precedence.

Here is an example entry in testpack.version.properties:


Form the version number from digits separated by periods, following your organization’s conventions.

While you are developing or modifying a test pack, prefix the version number with the characters ++, for example:


These characters ensure that when you launch the harness, it synchronizes templates with the latest changes you have made in the test pack, for example, new properties. When you have finished development, remove the ++ characters, and increment the TestSuiteVersion value in one of the following ways:

After incrementing the version number, run ant pack to create the installable test pack.