This illustration shows a screen capture of the Text Field Sample application and a virtual keyboard for touch-enabled devices.

The Text Field Sample window contains three text fields, the Submit button, and the Clear button. The upper text fields shows the "Vic" text and the caret sign. The middle text field has the "Enter your last name" prompt text. The lowest text field has the "Enter your comment" prompt text.

The virtual keyboard has four rows of keys.

This illustration shows a virtual keyboard with four rows of keys.

The first (top) row contains the following alpha and numeric symbols: q (1), w (2), e (3), r (4), t (5), y (6), u (7), i (8), o (9), p (0).

The second row has the following alpha and alternative symbols: a (#), s ($), d (%), f (&), g (*), h ((), j ()), k (_), l (@).

The third row contains the leftmost dark gray key with an arrow sign pointing up, the rightmost dark gray key with an arrow sign pointing left, and the following alpha and alternative symbols in between: z (/), x (\), c (;), v (:), b (=), n (+), m (-), ' (").

The fourth row contains a dark gray key with the keyboard image and a small arrow sign pointing down, a dark gray "!#123" key, the long unlabeled Spacebar, the ", " ("!") key, the "." ("?") key, and a dark gray key with a curved arrow symbol that points to left (the Enter key).