This illustration shows the Save Image window. The window is divided into two parts.

The left part is the directory structure, which contains several items. The root item, Desktop, is expanded to Libraries and Computers. The Libraries directory is selected and it has the following subdirectories (from top to bottom): Documents, Music, Pictures, Subversion, and Videos.

The right part of the window contains the following system items, from top to bottom: Hard Disk Drives and Devices with Removable Storage.

Hard Disk Drives has two disks, System (C:) and Data (D:). The availability of both disks is shown by using progress bars. The progress bar of disk C indicates that 249 GB of 326 GB are free. The progress bar of the disk D indicates that 101 GB of 130 GB are free.

Devices with Removable Storage has the DVD RW Drive (F).

Under the disk information there is a combo box labeled File name. It contains the myImage.png file name. The Save as types combo box under it is colored gray.

Two buttons are located under the combo boxes. From left to right they are Save and Cancel. The Save button is highlighted with a blue border.