
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


What's New in This Guide

Part I Getting Started

1 Introduction to Coherence*Extend

2 Installing a Client Distribution

3 Building Your First Extend Client

4 Setting Up Coherence*Extend

5 Best Practices for Coherence*Extend

Part II Creating Java Extend Clients

Part III Creating C++ Extend Clients

6 Setting Up C++ Application Builds

7 Configuration and Usage for C++ Clients

8 Using the Coherence C++ Object Model

9 Using the Coherence for C++ Client API

10 Building Integration Objects (C++)

11 Querying a Cache (C++)

12 Performing Continuous Queries (C++)

13 Performing Remote Invocations (C++)

14 Using Cache Events (C++)

15 Performing Transactions (C++)

Part IV Creating .NET Extend Clients

16 Configuration and Usage for .NET Clients

17 Building Integration Objects (.NET)

18 Using the Coherence .NET Client Library

19 Performing Continuous Queries (.NET)

20 Performing Remote Invocations (.NET)

21 Performing Transactions (.NET)

22 Managing ASP.NET Session State

Part V Using Coherence REST

23 Introducing Coherence REST

24 Building Your First Coherence REST Application

25 Performing Grid Operations with REST

26 Deploying Coherence REST

27 Modifying the Default REST Implementation

A REST Configuration Elements

B Integrating with F5 BIG-IP LTM