6.5 Attach a Policy to a Web Service

This section provides a summary of the steps required to attach a standalone policy or globally available policy set to a Web service.

The steps for this process are:

  1. Identify the Web service to which you want to attach the policy. How?

  2. View the policies or policy sets that are currently attached to the Web service. How?

  3. Navigate to the policy that you want to attach to the Web service endpoint. How?

  4. If the policy you need does not exist, then create a new one. How?

  5. View the policy and verify that it meets your requirements. How?

  6. If you need to make changes, then edit the policy. How?

    Note: Editing the predefined policies is not recommended.

  7. Attach the policy to the Web service. How?

  8. Test the Web service to verify that the policy is being used by the Web service. How?

For more information about attaching policies, see "Attaching Policies" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.