4 Administering the JMS RA on Oracle GlassFish Server

This chapter describes additional configuration information and considerations when using deploying the JMS RA on the Oracle GlassFish Server.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Securing Credentials using the JCA Container

When possible, Oracle recommends using the Oracle GlassFish Server JCA container to provide methods to set credentials using secure methods.

For more information, see Securing JMS RA Connections.

Oracle GlassFish Server Support for Lazy Connection Enlistment

Oracle GlassFish Server supports Lazy Enlistment of Connections in a Transaction.

Limitations and Considerations when Administering Oracle GlassFish Server

The following section describes the limitations and considerations when deploying the JMS RA on Oracle GlassFish Server:

  • The Glassfish XAResource timeout value is 30 seconds by default and is independent of the transaction timeout. If a user requires a longer XAResource timeout, they must configure the Glassfish system property server-config.transaction-service.property.xaresource-txn-timeout to a value equal to their transaction timeout value.

  • There is a known GlassFish 3.1.x issue where outbound MDB connections remain associated with a rolled back transaction.

    You may receive a javax.transaction.xa.XAException: The resource already has an active association with a transaction message if your application uses javax.ejb.MessageDrivenContext.setRollbackOnly() within an XA enabled MDB's onMessage method which in turns uses an XA backed outbound connection factory. This exception is thrown after a rollback and the associated connection is taken from the connection pool to be reused in another transaction. If you have a licensed version of GlassFish, contact your Oracle Glassfish Support representative. If you have an open source copy, a patch is available at http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-19094.

  • You may receive a ClassNotFoundException when deploying the JMS RA to a Glassfish 3.1 cluster environment. If so, copy the wlthint3client.jar file packaged in the wljmsra.rar file to the <Glassfish_install_dir>/lib directory. See http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-19111.

  • You may receive the following exception Failed to generate class for weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.FastDispatcherImpl_12120_WLStub if you undeploy and deploy a WAR file multiple times. The workaround is to restart the GlassFish server.For additional information on known issues and any available workarounds for Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 software, see "Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1.2 and Release Notes" at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26576_01/doc.312/e24939/release-notes.htm.

Oracle GlassFish Server References

This section provides links to Oracle GlassFish Server reference documentation: