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Monitor RESTful Web services

After a Web application that contains a RESTful Web service is installed and started, you can monitor enhanced runtime statistics such as detailed deployment and configuration data, global execution statistics, and resource and resource method execution statistics.

To monitor a RESTful Web service:

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Deployments.
  2. In the right pane, navigate within the Deployments table until you find the RESTful Web service you want to monitor.

    Note: RESTful Web services are deployed as part of an Web application.

  3. In the Deployments table, expand the JAX-RS application and click the name of the Restful web service.

    Note: You can also select the JAX-RS application in the Deployments table, then select Monitoring > JAX-RS Applications to display general statistics about the RESTful Web service applications. This page displays the application name, its root context, and the server on which it is running. Statistics such as execution times are aggregated for all servers on which the Web service is running. You can customize the information that is shown in the table by clicking Customize this table.

    Click the name of the RESTful application to view more details and monitor its associated resources and methods, as described in steps 4-7.

  4. Select the Overview tab to review general information about the RESTful Web service, such as the application name, application class, when the application was started, and the WADL URL.
  5. Select the Configuration tab to review configuration data for the RESTful Web service, such as application properties and registered classes.
  6. Select the Resources tab to monitor the resources model associated with the RESTful Web service by classes or by URIs. The tables provides a summary of information for each resource. Expand a resource name to view the public methods or resource URIs that can be invoked by client applications.
    • By Classes - For each JAX-RS resource method, you can monitor the relative URI path, the number of times the operation has been invoked since the WebLogic Server instance started, the average execution time, associated HTTP method, total invocation count, producing and consuming media types, and so on.
    • By URIs - For each resource relative URI path, you can monitor the resource class and method name, associated HTTP method, and total invocation count. There are also additional options available for monitoring producing and consuming media types, average execution time, and so on.

    You can customize the information that is shown in the table by clicking Customize this table.

  7. Select the Monitoring tab to monitor general statistics for RESTful Web service, such as requests, responses, exceptions, resources by classes, and resources by statistics:
    • Request Statistics - Request rates and counts in seconds, minutes, and hourly intervals.
    • Response Statistics - HTTP response code counts and the last response code.
    • Exception Statistics - Successful and unsuccessful exception mapper execution counts, including the exception mappers invocation count.
    • Resources By Classes Statistics - Each resource method can be expanded to display the request and resource method rates, and counts in seconds, minutes, and hourly intervals.
    • Resources By URI Statistics - Each relative resource can be expanded to display the URI path, the request and resource method rates, and counts in seconds, minutes, and hourly intervals.

    You can customize the information that is shown in the table by clicking Customize this table.

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