A OPSS Configuration File Reference

This appendix describes the hierarchy of elements and attributes in the jps-config.xml and jps-config-jse.xml configuration files, typically located in the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig directory.

This appendix includes the following sections:

A.1 First and Second Hierarchy Levels

The specifications in the OPSS configuration file apply to an entire domain, that is, to all Managed Servers and applications deployed in the domain.

The top element in the jps-config.xml file is the jpsConfig element. It contains the following second-level elements:

  • <property>

  • <propertySets>

  • <extendedProperty>

  • <serviceProviders>

  • <serviceInstances>

  • <jpsContexts>

Table A-1 describes the function of these elements. The annotations between curly braces{} indicate the number of occurrences the element is allowed. For example, {0 or more} indicates that the element can occur 0 or more times; {1} indicates that the element must occur once.

Table A-1 First- and Second-Level Elements in jps-config.xml

Elements Description
<jpsConfig> {1}

Defines the top-level element in the configuration file.

    <property> {0 or more}

Defines names and values of properties. It can also appear elsewhere in the hierarchy, such as under <propertySet>, <serviceProvider>, and <serviceInstance>.

    <propertySets> {0 or 1}
        <propertySet> {1 or more}
            <property> {1 or more}

Groups one or more <propertySet> elements so that they can referenced as a group.

    <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
        <name> {1}
        <values> {1}
            <value> {1 or more}

Defines a property that has multiple values. It can also appear elsewhere in the hierarchy, such as under the elements extendedProperty and serviceInstance.

    <extendedPropertySets> {0 or 1}
        <extendedPropertySet> {1 or more}
            <extendedProperty> {1 or more}
                <name> {1}
                <values> {1}
                    <value> {1 or more}

Groups one or more <extendedPropertySet> elements so that they can referenced a group.

    <serviceProviders> {0 or 1}
        <serviceProvider> {1 or more}
            <description> {0 or 1}
            <property> {0 or more}

Groups one or more <serviceProvider> elements, each of which defines an implementation of an OPSS service, such as a provider or a login module.

    <serviceInstances> {0 or 1}
        <serviceInstance> {1 or more}
            <description> {0 or 1}
            <property> {0 or more}
            <propertySetRef> {0 or more}
            <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
                <name> {1}
                <values> {1}
                    <value> {1 or more}
            <extendedPropertySetRef> {0 or more}

Groups one or more <serviceInstance> elements, each of which configures and specifies property values for a service provider defined in a <serviceProvider> element.

    <jpsContexts> {1}
        <jpsContext> {1 or more}
            <serviceInstanceRef> {1 or more}

Groups one or more <jpsContext> elements, each of which is a collection of service instances that an application can use.


This element describes the corresponding entity (a service instance or service provider).

Child Element



<description> can be a child of <serviceInstance> or <serviceProvider>.


The following example illustrates a description:

<serviceProvider ... >
   <description>file IdStore Provider</description>



This element defines an extended property in the following locations:

  • Directly under <jpsConfig>, it defines an extended property for general use. It can specify, for example, all the base DNs in LDAP authentication providers.

  • Directly under <extendedPropertySet>, it defines an extended property set.

  • Directly under <serviceInstance>, it defines an extended property for a particular service instance.

An extended property includes multiple values. Use a <value> element to specify each value. Several LDAP identity store properties are in this category, such as the specification of the following values:

  • Object classes used for creating user objects

  • Attribute names that must be specified when you create a user

  • Base DNs for searching users

Child Elements

<name> or <values>


<extendedProperty> can be a child of <extendedPropertySet>, <jpsConfig>, or <serviceInstance>.


The following example sets a single value:



This element defines a set of extended properties. The extended property set can then be referenced by an <extendedPropertySetRef> element to specify the given properties as part of the configuration of a service instance.


Name Description
name               Designates a name for the extended property set. No two <extendedPropertySet> elements may have the same name attribute setting within a configuration file.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Element



Required within <extendedPropertySets>, one or more:

<extendedPropertySets> {0 or 1}
    <extendedPropertySet> {1 or more}
        <extendedProperty> {1 or more}
            <name> {1}
            <values> {1}
                <value> {1 or more}


This element configures a service instance by referring to an extended property set defined elsewhere in the file.


Name Description
ref                Refers to an extended property set whose extended properties are used for the service instance defined in the <serviceInstance> parent element. The ref value of <extendedPropertySetRef> must match the name value of an <extendedPropertySet> element.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Element



Optional, zero or more.

<serviceInstances> {0 or 1}
    <serviceInstance> {1 or more}
        <description> {0 or 1}
        <property> {0 or more}
        <propertySetRef> {0 or more}
        <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
            <name> {1}
            <values> {1}
                <value> {1 or more}
        <extendedPropertySetRef> {0 or more}


This element specifies a set of properties.

Parent Element


Child Element



Optional, zero or one.

    <extendedPropertySets> {0 or 1}
        <extendedPropertySet> {1 or more}
            <extendedProperty> {1 or more}
                <name> {1}
                <values> {1}
                    <value> {1 or more}


This is the root element of a configuration file.

Parent Element



Required, one only.


<jpsConfig xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oracleas/schema/11/jps-config-11_1.xsd"
    schema-major-version="11" schema-minor-version="1">



This element declares an OPSS context, a collection of service instances common to a domain, either by referring to a set of service instances that comprise the context. Each <jspContext> must have a unique name.


Name Description
name The name for the OPSS context. Contexts must have a unique names.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Element



There must be at least one <jpsContext> element under <jpsContexts>. A <jpsContext> element contains the <serviceInstanceRef> element.

<jpsContexts> {1}
    <jpsContext> {1 or more}
        <serviceInstanceRef> {1 or more}


The following example illustrates the definition of two contexts. The first one, named default, is the default context (specified by the attribute default in <jpsContexts>), and it references several service instances by name.

The second one, named anonymous, is used for unauthenticated users, and it references the anonymous and anonymous.loginmodule service instances.

   <serviceInstance provider="credstoressp" name="credstore">
      <description>File Based Default Credential Store Instance</description>
      <property name="location" value="${oracle.instance}/config/JpsDataStore/JpsSystemStore"/>
   <serviceInstance provider="anonymous.provider" name="anonymous">
      <property value="anonymous" name="anonymous.user.name"/>
      <property value="anonymous-role" name="anonymous.role.name"/>
   <serviceInstance provider="jaas.login.provider" name="anonymous.loginmodule">
      <description>Anonymous Login Module</description>
      <property value="oracle.security.jps.internal.jaas.module.anonymous.AnonymousLoginModule"
      <property value="REQUIRED"
<jpsContexts default="default">
   <jpsContext name="default">
      <!-- This is the default JPS context. All the mandatory services and Login Modules must be
           configured in this default context -->
      <serviceInstanceRef ref="credstore"/>
      <serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.xml"/>
      <serviceInstanceRef ref="policystore.xml"/>
      <serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.loginmodule"/>
      <serviceInstanceRef ref="idm"/>
   <jpsContext name="anonymous">
       <serviceInstanceRef ref="anonymous"/>
       <serviceInstanceRef ref="anonymous.loginmodule"/>



This element specifies a set of contexts.


Name Description
default          Specifies the context used by an application if none is specified. The default value of the <jpsContexts> element must match the name of a <jpsContext> child element.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

The default context must configure all services and login modules.

Parent Element


Child Element



Required, one only.

    <jpsContexts> {1}
        <jpsContext> {1 or more}


See <jpsContext> for an example.



This element specifies the name of an extended property.

Parent Element


Child Element



Required, one only.

<extendedProperty> {0 or more}
    <name> {1}
    <values> {1}
        <value> {1 or more}


See <extendedProperty> for an example.



This element defines a property in the following scenarios:

Table A-2 Scenarios for <property>

Location in jps-config.xml Function

Directly under <jpsConfig>

Defines a one-value property for general use.

Directly under <propertySet>

Defines a property set with multiple values.

Directly under <serviceInstance>

Defines a property for use by a particular service instance.

Directly under <serviceProvider>

Defines a property for use by all service instances of a particular service provider.

For a list of properties, see OPSS System and Configuration Properties.


Name Description
name   Specifies the name of the property being set.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

value Specifies the value of the property being set.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Child Element



Under a<propertySet>, it is required, one or more. Otherwise, it is optional, zero or more.


The following example illustrates a property to disable Java Authorization and Authentication Services (JAAS) mode for authorization:

<jpsConfig ... >
   <property name="oracle.security.jps.jaas.mode" value="off"/>

For additional examples, see <propertySet> and <serviceInstance>.



This element defines a set of properties. Each property set has a name so that it can be referenced by a <propertySetRef> element to include the properties as part of the configuration of a service instance.


Name Description
name               Designates a name for the property set. No two <propertySet> elements may have the same name within a jps-config.xml file.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Element



Required within a<propertySets>, one or more

<propertySets> {0 or 1}
    <propertySet> {1 or more}
        <property> {1 or more}


   <!-- For property that points to valid Access SDK installation directory -->
   <propertySet name="access.sdk.properties">
      <property name="access.sdk.install.path" value="$ACCESS_SDK_HOME"/>

   <serviceInstance provider="jaas.login.provider" name="oam.loginmodule">
      <description>OAM Login Module</description>
      <property value="REQUIRED" name="jaas.login.controlFlag"/>
      <propertySetRef ref="access.sdk.properties"/>


This element configures a service instance by referring to a property set defined elsewhere in the file.


Name Description
ref               Refers to a property set whose properties are used by the service instance defined in the <serviceInstance> parent element. The ref value of a <propertySetRef> element must match the name of a <propertySet> element.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Element



Optional, zero or more.

<serviceInstances> {0 or 1}
    <serviceInstance> {1 or more}
        <description> {0 or 1}
        <property> {0 or more}
        <propertySetRef> {0 or more}
        <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
            <name> {1}
            <values> {1}
                <value> {1 or more}
        <extendedPropertySetRef> {0 or more}


See <propertySet> for an example.



This element specifies a set of property sets.

Parent Element


Child Element



Optional. If present, then there can be only one <propertySets> element.

    <propertySets> {0 or 1}
        <propertySet> {1 or more}
            <property> {1 or more}


See <propertySet> for an example.



This element defines an instance of a service provider, such as an identity store instance or login module instance.

Each provider instance specifies the name of the instance, used to refer to the provider within the configuration file and, possibly, the properties of the instance. Properties include the location of the instance and can be specified directly, within the instance element itself, or indirectly, by referencing a property or a property set. To change the properties of a service instance, use the procedure explained in Configuring Services with Scripts

Set properties and extended properties of a service instance in the following ways:


Name Description
name Designates a name for this service instance. No two <serviceInstance> elements may have the same name attribute setting within a jps-config.xml file.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

provider Indicates which service provider this is an instance of.

The provider value of a <serviceInstance> element must match the name value of a <serviceProvider> element.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element



Required within <serviceInstances>, one or more.

<serviceInstances> {0 or 1}
    <serviceInstance> {1 or more}
        <description> {0 or 1}
        <property> {0 or more}
        <propertySetRef> {0 or more}
        <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
            <name> {1}
            <values> {1}
                <value> {1 or more}
        <extendedPropertySetRef> {0 or more}


Example 1   

The following example illustrates the configuration of a file identity store that uses the location property to specify the file location:

   <serviceInstance name="idstore.xml" provider="idstore.xml.provider">
      <!-- Subscriber name must be defined for file Identity Store -->
      <property name="subscriber.name" value="jazn.com"/>
      <!-- This is the location of file Identity Store -->
      <property name="location" value="./system-jazn-data.xml"/>
Example 2   

The following example illustrates the configuration a credential store. It uses the location property to set the location of the credential store.

   <serviceInstance provider="credstoressp" name="credstore">
      <description>File Based Default Credential Store Instance</description>
      <property name="location"
                value="${oracle.instance}/config/JpsDataStore/JpsSystemStore" />
Example 3   

The following example illustrates the configuration of an LDAP identity store:

<serviceInstance name="idstore.oid" provider="idstore.ldap.provider">
   <property name="subscriber.name" value="dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com"/>
   <property name="idstore.type" value="OID"/>
   <property name="security.principal.key" value="ldap.credentials"/>
   <property name="security.principal.alias" value="JPS"/>
   <property name="ldap.url" value="ldap://myServerName.com:389"/>
   <property name="username.attr" value="uid"/>
   <property name="groupname.attr" value="cn"/>
Example 4   

The following example illustrates the configuration of an audit provider:

   <serviceInstance name="audit" provider="audit.provider">
      <property name="audit.filterPreset" value="Low"/>
      <property name="audit.specialUsers" value ="admin, fmwadmin" />
      <property name="audit.customEvents" value ="JPS:CheckAuthorization,           CreateCredential, OIF:UserLogin"/>
      <property name="audit.loader.jndi" value="jdbc/AuditDB"/>
      <property name="audit.loader.interval" value="15" />
      <property name="audit.maxFileSize" value="10240" />      
      <property name=" audit.loader.repositoryType " value="Db" />      
Example 5   

The following example illustrates the configuration of a login module:

<serviceInstance name="user.authentication.loginmodule" provider="jaas.login.provider">
    <description>User Authentication Login Module</description>
    <property name="loginModuleClassName" value="oracle.security.jps.internal.jaas.module.authentication.JpsUserAuthenticationLoginModule"/>
    <property name="jaas.login.controlFlag" value="REQUIRED"/>
    <property name="enable.anonymous" value="true"/>
    <property name="remove.anonymous.role" value="false"/>

See Also:


This element refers to service instances.


Name Description
ref               Refers to a service instance that are part of the context defined in the <jpsContext> parent element. The ref value of a <serviceInstanceRef> element must match the name of a <serviceInstance> element.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Element



Required within a <jpsContext>, one or more.

<jpsContexts> {1}
    <jpsContext> {1 or more}
        <serviceInstanceRef> {1 or more}


See <jpsContext> for an example.



This element is the parent of a <serviceInstance> element.

Parent Element


Child Element



Optional, zero or one.

    <serviceInstances> {0 or 1}
        <serviceInstance> {1 or more}
            <description> {0 or 1}
            <property> {0 or more}
            <propertySetRef> {0 or more}
            <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
                <name> {1}
                <values> {1}
                    <value> {1 or more}
            <extendedPropertySetRef> {0 or more}


See <serviceInstance> for an example.



This element defines a service provider. Each provider specifies the type of the provider, such as credential store, authentication, policy, or login module, and the Java class that implements to use when the provider is created. Furthermore, the element property specifies settings used to instantiate the provider.

It specifies the following data:

  • The type of service provider (specified in the type attribute)

  • A designated name of the service provider (referenced in each <serviceInstance> element that defines an instance of this service provider)

  • The class that implements this service provider and is instantiated for instances of this service provider

  • Optionally, properties that are generic to any instances of this service provider


Name Description
type Specifies the type of service provider being declared. Valid types are the following:








IDM (for pluggable identity management)


The implementation class more specifically defines the type of provider.

Values: any valid type.

Default: n/a (required)

name Designates a name for this service provider. This name is referenced in the provider attribute of <serviceInstance> elements to create instances of this provider. No two <serviceProvider> elements may have the same name attribute setting within a configuration file.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

class Specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class that implements this service provider instantiated when the service provider is created.

Values: string

Default: n/a (required)

Parent Element


Child Elements

<description> or <property>


Required within the <serviceProviders> element, one or more.

<serviceProviders> {0 or 1}
    <serviceProvider> {1 or more}
        <description> {0 or 1}
        <property> {0 or more}


The following example illustrates the specification of a login module:

   <serviceProvider type="LOGIN" name="jaas.login.provider"
      <description>This is Jaas Login Service Provider and is used to configure
       login module service instances</description>

The following example illustrates the definition of a provider:

     <serviceProvider name="audit.provider" type="AUDIT" class="oracle.security.jps.internal.audit.AuditProvider">

See <serviceInstance> for other examples.



This element specifies a set of service providers.

Parent Element


Child Element



Optional, one only.

    <serviceProviders> {0 or 1}
        <serviceProvider> {1 or more}
            <description> {0 or 1}
            <property> {0 or more}


See <serviceProvider> for an example.



This element specifies a value of an extended property, which can have multiple values. Each <value> element specifies one value.

Parent Element


Child Element



Required within <values>, one or more.

    <extendedProperty> {0 or more}
        <name> {1}
        <values> {1}
            <value> {1 or more}


See <extendedProperty> for an example.



This element is the parent element of a <value> element.

Parent Element


Child Element



Required within <extendedProperty>, one only.

<extendedProperty> {0 or more}
    <name> {1}
    <values> {1}
        <value> {1 or more}


See <extendedProperty> for an example.