C Report Group Configuration Elements

The report group configuration reference provides a detailed description of the report group deployment descriptor elements.

This appendix includes the following sections:

C.1 Report Group Configuration Deployment Descriptor

The report group deployment descriptor specifies any number of individual reports to create when reporting is enabled. The coherence.jar/reports directory contains two predefined descriptors. The report-group.xml descriptor is the default descriptor and includes a subset of the predefined reports. The report-all.xml descriptor includes all the predefined reports. Modify the predefined report group deployment descriptors or create new report group deployment descriptors as required. The name and location of which report group deployment descriptor to use at run time is configured in the operational deployment descriptor and is overridden in an operational override file. See Switching the Default Report Group Configuration File.

The report group deployment descriptor schema is defined in the coherence-report-group-config.xsd file, which is located in the root of the coherence.jar library and at the following Web URL:


The <report-group> element is the root element of the descriptor and includes the XSD and namespace declarations. For example:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<report-group xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"


  • The schema that is located in the coherence.jar library is always used at run time even if the xsi:schemaLocation attribute references the Web URL.

  • Omit the xsi:schemaLocation attribute to disable schema validation.

  • When deploying Oracle Coherence into environments where the default character set is EBCDIC rather than ASCII, ensure that the deployment descriptor file is in ASCII format and is deployed into its run-time environment in the binary format.

C.2 Report Group Element Reference

The report group element reference includes all non-terminal report group configuration elements. Each section includes instructions on how to use the element and also includes descriptions for all valid subelements.

C.2.1 init-param

Used in: init-params


The init-param element contains an initialization parameter for a report. The parameter consists of either a parameter name or type and its value.


Table C-1 describes the subelements of the init-param element.

Table C-1 init-param Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies the name of the initialization parameter.

This element cannot be used with the param-type element.



Specifies the Java type of the initialization parameter. The following types are supported:

  • string – Indicates that the value is a java.lang.String

  • long – Indicates that the value is a java.lang.Long

  • double – Indicates that the value is a java.lang.Double

This element cannot be used with the para-name element.



Specifies the value of the initialization parameter. The value is in a format specific to the type of the parameter.

C.2.2 init-params

Used in: report-config


The init-params element contains a list of initialization parameters.


Table C-2 describes the subelements of the init-params element.

Table C-2 init-params Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies an initialization parameter for a report

C.2.3 report-config

Used in: report-group


The report-config contains the configuration file name and the initialization parameters for the report.


Table C-3 describes the subelements of the report-config element.

Table C-3 report-config Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies a path to a report configuration descriptor that conforms to the coherence-report-config.xsd file. This path is either a file or a URL.



Specifies a list of initialization parameters

C.2.4 report-group

Used in: root element


The report-group element describes the report list, the frequency, the report parameters, and the output directory for the batch.


Table C-4 describes the subelements of the report-group element.

Table C-4 report-group Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies how often a report batch refreshes. Enter the value in either seconds seconds (s) or minutes (m). For example, a value of 10s refreshes the reports every 10 seconds; a value of 5m refreshes the reports every 5 minutes. Selecting an appropriate frequency is important: if the frequency is too short, the report contains too much data and consumes significant disk space; if the frequency is too long, the report does not contain enough information. In addition, decide on a process for purging and archiving historical information before you enable reporting.



The directory path to prepend to the output file names from the report configuration files. The cluster member must have read/write access to this path.

The <output-directory> element supports an optional system-property attribute. The attribute value is a user-defined name that can be used at runtime to override the configured output location.

The preconfigured system property override that is used in the predefined report group configuration files is coherence.reporter.output.directory.



Specifies a list of report configurations

C.2.5 report-list

Used in: report-group


The report-list element contains the list of reports to include in the batch.


Table C-5 describes the subelements of the report-list element.

Table C-5 report-list Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies the location of the report configuration file and corresponding initialization parameters