Create an Activity Analysis for Your Sales Team

An activity analysis can help you make sure your resources are being used to your greatest advantage.

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Analytics to Answer Business Questions

To build custom analytics you start by defining your objectives. What problem do you want to solve? What opportunities might you be missing? What insights have potential to drive your sales forward? Here are a few examples:

  • Is there any workload balancing issues in my team?

  • Which team members are available to focus on a new product?

  • What are my urgent overdue tasks, and what's my workload for this week?

  • How is my team performing?

  • Which accounts are my sales representative focusing on and does this align with business priorities?

  • Which accounts can I focus on more to meet our business objectives?

Create Your Own Activity Analysis

You Sales Manager wants to see how much their team is interacting with potential opportunities. How many times has a potential customer been contacted? And how have they been contacted? Let's try creating an activity analysis to help our Sales Manager figure things out.

  1. In BI, Click New analysis.

  2. Select CRM - CRM Activity Real Time.

    • From the dimension Customer, add Account Name.

    • From the dimension Employee, add Last Name.

    • From the Facts folder, add # of Activities.

  3. You can filter Customer to see a specific account, select the properties on Account Name.

  4. You select the filter to show only A.C. Networks, for example, and click OK.

  5. Click Results. The Results tab shows your analysis at this point. Move back and forth from Criteria to Results at any time to see your analysis.

  6. Name and save your analysis.

Now you can check out everything that has been going on with with A.C. Networks. Is it time to reach out to them again and tell them about some new stuff you're offering?