Intelligent Defaulting of Account Combination

AI and machine learning algorithms provide the default distribution combinations for the account payables invoice lines. Historic data patterns and the specific influencing factors for each segment are useful in the predicting these values.

When the user places the cursor on the distribution combination field for an unmatched invoice line, individual segment values are predicted. These predictions are based on the invoice header and lines attributes available on the invoice. After the default segment values are predicted, the distribution combination field is highlighted for user review.

Partial Segment Defaulting

When AI and machine learning algorithms don’t provide a default value for one or more segments, user can enter a value manually. The account code combination search window automatically opens for the user to enter the missing segment value and complete account code combination entry.

User can correct an incorrectly defaulted segment value. AI and machine learning algorithms learn from these edits to improve the prediction throughput and accuracy for the subsequent transactions.

Why Only Few Segment Values Get Defaulted for the Distribution Combination Field

Segment values are defaulted only if the prediction for the segment exceeds the dynamically calculated confidence score threshold. If the prediction confidence is less than the threshold, the segment isn't defaulted.