TCP/IP and Data Communications Administration Guide Configuration File for a Virtual Network

The configuration file for a local machine on a virtual network must contain information about all remote hosts on the network that the local host can access. Moreover, each machine on the virtual network must be configured for both dial-in and dial-out functions. After the local machine boots, its link manager reads the file to establish communications.

Example 11-2 shows a configuration file such as you would set up for nomada on a virtual network 192.41.47.

Example 11-2 Configuration File for nomada

# /etc/ for hosta

ifconfig ipd0 plumb nomada netmask + up
   interface ipd0
   peer_ip_address  nomadb
   peer_system_name lawrence	   	# name machine logs in with
   peer_ip_address nomadc
   peer_system_name azziz

Example 11-3 shows a configuration file such as you would set up for nomadb on virtual network 192.41.47.

Example 11-3 Configuration File for nomadb

# /etc/ for nomadb

ifconfig ipd0 plumb nomadb netmask + up
   interface ipd0
   peer_ip_address   nomada
   peer_system_name  tamerlane  # name the machine logs in with
   peer_ip_address   nomadc
   peer_system_name  azziz