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Adding and Updating Oracle Solaris 11 Software Packages     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Introduction to the Image Packaging System

2.  IPS Graphical User Interfaces

3.  Getting Information About Software Packages

4.  Installing and Updating Software Packages

5.  Configuring Installed Images

Configuring Publishers

Displaying Publisher Information

Adding, Modifying, or Removing Package Publishers

Locking Packages to a Specified Version

Marking Packages To Be Avoided

Controlling Installation of Optional Components

Displaying a Variant

Changing a Variant

Displaying a Facet

Changing a Facet

Updating an Image

Configuring Image and Publisher Properties

Boot Environment Policy Image Properties

Properties For Signing Packages

Image Properties for Signed Packages

Publisher Properties for Signed Packages

Configuring Package Signature Properties

Additional Image Properties

Setting Image Properties

Displaying the Values of Image Properties

Setting the Value of an Image Property

Resetting the Value of an Image Property

Creating an Image

Viewing Operation History

Locking Packages to a Specified Version

Use the pkg freeze command to constrain a package version. One example of a time to freeze a package is when you do not want the package in a non-global zone to be updated when the global zone is updated.

/usr/bin/pkg freeze [-n] [-c reason] [pkg_fmri_pattern] ...

If no version is provided in pkg_fmri_pattern, the named package must be installed and is constrained to the version installed on the system. If a version is provided in pkg_fmri_pattern, then this constraint, or freeze, acts as if an incorporate dependency were installed where the fmri attribute had the value of the provided package version.

When a package that is frozen is installed or updated, it must end up at a version that matches the version at which it was frozen. For example, if a package was frozen at 1.2, then it could be updated to 1.2.1, 1.2.9,, and so on. That package could not end up at 1.3, or 1.1.

A publisher specified in the pkg_fmri_pattern is used to find matching packages. However, publisher information is not recorded as part of the freeze. A package is frozen with respect to its version only, not its publisher.

Freezing a package that is already frozen replaces the frozen version with the newly specified version.

If no packages are specified, information about currently frozen packages is displayed: package names, versions, when the package was frozen, and any associated reasons.

Freezing a package does not prevent removal of the package. No warning is displayed if the package is removed.

Use the -c option to record the reason the package is being frozen. The reason is shown if a freeze prevents an installation or update from succeeding.

Use the -n option to perform a trial run of the operation, displaying the list of packages that would be frozen without freezing any packages.

A freeze is never lifted automatically by the packaging system. To relax a constraint, use the pkg unfreeze command.

/usr/bin/pkg unfreeze [-n] [pkg_name_pattern] ...

Remove the constraints that freezing imposes from the specified packages. Any versions provided are ignored.

Use the -n option to perform a trial run of the unfreeze, displaying the list of packages that would be unfrozen without unfreezing any packages.