Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Primary Data Values

It is possible for various dimensions to have one-to-many and many-to-many relationships with each other. These kinds of relationships can introduce problems in analyses.

For example, an Opportunity can be associated with many Sales Representatives and a Sales Representative can be associated with many Opportunities. If your analysis includes both Opportunities and Sales Representatives, a count of Opportunities would not be accurate because the same Opportunity would be counted for each Sales Representative with which it is associated.

To avoid these kinds of problems, the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse reflects the primary member in the "many" part of the relationship. In the example where an Opportunity can be associated with many Sales Representatives, only the Primary Sales Representative is associated with that Opportunity. In an analysis that includes both Opportunity and Sales Representative, only a single Opportunity will display and a count of Opportunities returns the correct result.

There are a few important exceptions to this rule. The Person star schema supports a many-to-many relationship between Contacts and Accounts. Therefore, when querying the Person star schema on both Accounts and Contacts, every combination of Account and Contact is returned. The Opportunity-Competitor star schema supports a many-to-many relationship between Opportunities and Competitor Accounts, and the Campaign-Opportunity star schema supports a many-to-many relationship between Campaigns and Opportunities. In other star schemas, however, querying returns only the primary account for a given contact.